Thresh or Leona

Which is better overall? I play bot with my friend a lot, and he plays Jinx adc.

April 9, 2014

11 Comments • Newest first


[quote=MiaEstelle]Leona. I main Leona as a supp and I've played against a Thresh support countless of times. There was only max 3~5 times that I lost going against a Thresh support. I play Thresh too and personally I like Leona more. The hooks are a bit delayed so it's easy for people to dodge. (Also you have to have a clear minon-free path to hook your enemy) For Leona's E, it's not as east to dodge compared to Thresh's hook and it goes through minons. If you all in with a Leona compared to all-in-ing with a Thresh, Leona's combo is better for securing a kill. Her ult compared to Thresh's is better (imo) because you don't have to be on them or close to them to stun/slow, as for Thresh you need to be in-range for the ult to be effective.[/quote]

^ this. Leona's my main support and she's so simple to be good with it's absolutely ridiculous. Once you can land and time your skills well (passive procs), any gank becomes ridiculously easy if you're not already winning lane. Thresh definitely has a higher skill/potential ceiling, I'm not gonna deny that, but you it takes a long time to get there.

Reply May 2, 2014

[quote=grip25]Let me tell u about a support named janna. Hard counters leona and does good against thresh.[/quote]

That's only if you're really good with Janna. Most people I've seen that played Janna against Leona doesn't use her tornado in time when Leona casts her E. That's like the only way Janna can counter Leona. If Janna gets caught with the stun shes screwed. I would say Morgana is a better counter against Leona (and Thresh), just have to cast her shield when Leona E's for the stun.

Reply May 2, 2014

Let me tell u about a support named janna. Hard counters leona and does good against thresh.

Reply May 1, 2014

Leona. I main Leona as a supp and I've played against a Thresh support countless of times. There was only max 3~5 times that I lost going against a Thresh support. I play Thresh too and personally I like Leona more. The hooks are a bit delayed so it's easy for people to dodge. (Also you have to have a clear minon-free path to hook your enemy) For Leona's E, it's not as east to dodge compared to Thresh's hook and it goes through minons. If you all in with a Leona compared to all-in-ing with a Thresh, Leona's combo is better for securing a kill. Her ult compared to Thresh's is better (imo) because you don't have to be on them or close to them to stun/slow, as for Thresh you need to be in-range for the ult to be effective.

Reply April 28, 2014 - edited

Thresh brings more utility, whereas leona is better with wombo combos. Greatly depends on your team comp but both are excellent god tier supports.

Reply April 19, 2014 - edited

Leona has better CC, but Thresh makes better plays because of his Hook and his Lantern.

Thresh can also peel better than Leona, whereas if a Leona peels for another player, it clearly puts herself in danger. Thresh's peels don't put him into the same risky position that Leona puts herself into...considering that she's Melee.

Reply April 15, 2014 - edited

Thresh is the #1 playmaking support out there. The lee sin of supports. Leona is easy, straightforward and effective, which is why I play her.

Reply April 11, 2014 - edited

If you're playing with a Jinx I'd say go with Leona. They have good synergy.

Reply April 10, 2014 - edited

leona, easier to use, easu to snowball with if you have communication with your adc.
same goes for thresh except he requires a bit more skill, as imo his hook is slower, than blitz's, but if you can proc a lantern to your adc and hook onto them, that would be korean pro play.
thresh can shield, whilst leona has better peel potential imo o_o (both their cd on their cc is hella long ._.)

Reply April 10, 2014 - edited

Thresh cause he's more versatile.

Reply April 9, 2014 - edited

Many people play thresh due to his hook and lantern.
Leona is also quite good with her sword thing (haven't played her much) and ult.
so it's your choice now

Reply April 9, 2014 - edited