

How do you trim down your cheeks?

My cheeks look like baby cheeks, and I'm curious how to get them a bit more toned. How would you work out your cheeks though? o_O

November 5, 2010

13 Comments • Newest first


@iLoveJesters: It's not that bad at all. It's not like I'm making a huge deal of it. I was just curious how to improve myself. And cover up isn't the only solution since people have given me other solutions. And cover up isn't even a solution.

Reply November 5, 2010

[quote=vengeance251]HELL NO! I disagree! Beards are the most awesome thing in this world! I can't live without mine... If I shave it, I look like an ugly nerdy baby, but with it I look 100% awesome! [/quote]

Just because you think you look 100% awesome with that thing, doesn't mean everybody thinks you look 100% awesome

Reply November 5, 2010

Cover up is your only solution.
If its not fat, then its just a natural "defect".
I don't really think it should be THAT bad.

Reply November 5, 2010

Try drinking lots of water o.o

I have a friend that can only drink water (it doesn't matter so much what he eats) otherwise his face will get puffy, as weird as that sounds.

Reply November 5, 2010

[quote=iLoveJesters]OH YES!
The testosterone in that comment just makes me want to make a MAN SALAD.

Get.. sideburns...?

I have small sideburns but not gonna get anything crazy. Looking for a solution, not a cover up.

Reply November 5, 2010

[quote=xfaaaanta]Grow a beard.[/quote]

The testosterone in that comment just makes me want to make a MAN SALAD.

Get.. sideburns...?

Reply November 5, 2010 - edited

[quote=curtis]xfaaaanta has a point. a beard does hide your cheek fat[/quote]

Beards are ugly. I want to look better, that's just defeating the whole purpose. And my cheeks aren't fat. D:

Reply November 5, 2010 - edited

I have the same problem

Reply November 5, 2010 - edited

[quote=codypwnsu2]I wasn't necessarily saying there is a way to do it, I was just wondering if there was. I'm fine with any kind of exercise routine, I was just curious where to start for my needs.[/quote]

Yes, just start with light jogging, or begin with 100m sprints (6-10 at 70-80%) for 5 days a week, and you'll see improvements. Remember to warm up with a light jog for about 1 mile or just a little less, or if you have other warm up techniques you would like to use, feel free to do so. Just go to a local park or on your street. Then gradually move up to 200m and 400m, and so on. Remember, you don't have to sprint the 400m runs because they're tougher and you will get tired easier (unless you want to), but don't jog them either. You know, in between. Try not to walk if you get tired, keep going!

Reply November 5, 2010 - edited

[quote=Koonie]You can't do an exercise that just works out your cheeks........ lol. You have to workout and exercise for your whole body, and like the above poster said, cardio is a great way to start. The fat may not necessarily come off in the cheeks first. It's a gradual improvement.[/quote]

I wasn't necessarily saying there is a way to do it, I was just wondering if there was. I'm fine with any kind of exercise routine, I was just curious where to start for my needs.

Reply November 5, 2010 - edited

You can't do an exercise that just works out your cheeks........ lol. You have to workout and exercise for your whole body, and like the above poster said, cardio is a great way to start. The fat may not necessarily come off in the cheeks first. It's a gradual improvement.

Reply November 5, 2010 - edited

@Sadaxter: I don't chew gum at all. I don't even remember the last time I've chewed gum.

@sonikuboy: Well I wouldn't call my cheeks chubby. They're not quite there. It's just when I smile, it kinda looks like I have a fuller face than I'd like. And how would cardio help my cheeks? o_o

Reply November 5, 2010 - edited

Well I'm 18. Like, my cheeks aren't bad, I just think they'd look better if they were more toned. :T It's only noticeable when I smile, but I think it'd look a lot better.

And i guess why I wanna do my cheeks is because I'm not really fat, so there's not much else to work on.

Reply November 5, 2010 - edited