

Where to go now?

Hello lovely humans! I came back after a long break (I think Kanna was out in KMS but not GMS when I last played). I have ~75k range buffed. My equips are lacking in some slots (belt, shoes, pants, wep) but I don't have a clue as to how you go about getting items now; I'm using old equips from my shad. I'm doing bosses each day but that's about it and a zhelm and htp is all I'm getting.

Essentially I have no clue how to progress now that I'm beyond 140, and I'm pretty clueless about the game in general. I'm essentially unfunded so any tips on how to progress or even general tips about anything would be received with THE UTMOST GRATITUDE c:


November 4, 2015

2 Comments • Newest first


What I would do is level so you can do some of the higher level bosses that give better drops that can get you mesos. Once you get the mesos you can buy a full CRA set and improve your range that way. Another way would just be to join a guild that goes on daily boss runs and try to loot the items for yourself.

Reply November 4, 2015

Do the crimsonheart castle and gollux questline and when you kill the boss daily, you get coins which you can use to buy some good rings from the shop.
Also do commerci trading post runs daily cuz its decent exp and mesos, and you also get the denaros (coins) to use to buy some good acessories.

Reply November 4, 2015