

How to Deal With Unresolved Issues

So in my senior year of high school I had the best idea ever: join sports. I ended up joining football and badminton and fell in love with sports. The problem with this is that I wasn't any good at either sports. Nonetheless, I worked hard and trained as hard as I could but my lack of achievements and failure to reach my goal of varsity in badminton resulted in a bunch of unresolved feelings. Never achieving anything despite all my hard work is eating away at me. It discourages me from ever trying in anything ever again. That paired with the thought that I'll never be able to feel the thrill of playing either sports is heartbreaking. It's gotten bad to the point where I can't even watch sports anymore because I have a burning desire to play and just reminds me of my failures and worthlessness.

So the question is: What do I do now? I have a bunch of unresolved issues and feelings with sports that I can never resolve because I'm not good enough to play them in college or even ever again.

August 15, 2015

9 Comments • Newest first


You should find some club or something so you can play with other people

Also colleges have club and intramural sports and if you played them in high school you can join those teams in college

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

Sports are overrated.
I never joined a sport because I kinda wanted to freshman year, if it wasn't for the fact that ALL of the other kids on the teams had been playing for their entire lives, so I'd probably suck in comparison. Why are people so obsessed with sports? They're as (un)important as any other game in the universe.

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

[quote=lilikoby]Do you know any astronaut names other than Lance Armstrong and maybe Buzz Aldrin?[/quote]

Lance Armstrong is probably the greatest astronaut the human race has ever seen

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

@lilikoby: no we're not special. no we're not born with some super human quality but if you put effort you'll gain experiences and like a RPG you one day be really high leveled of constant grinding. if you stop because you did`nt feel like you achieve anything in your sport or feel you don't have the talent. some may not be true BUT the majority are true. You may not be able to choose the way how you are born but you can build who you are. i thought i was *&%$ing retarded as a child but i got over it and i did'nt even try to commit suicide. If you keep telling yourself it's just B/C you're not talented that you cant do something, you're going nowhere in life. So stop &^%$*ing and do what you want to do or else you'll regret your life in you dying breath.

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

@zedarklynx: All of those stories were dug up and rehashed by people with low self esteem to make themselves feel better. Micheal Jordan was already a beast in high school, it's just that he didn't have any kind of senior priority. Abraham Lincoln didn't win because he was in the newer version of the republican party (main parties were democratic-republicans and federalists at the time) and he was running as a 3rd party candidate, of course he didn't win. And you? Well get over yourself, personally I took 14 AP tests and scored 4 and above on all of them except French(3) and had leadership positions in clubs that were actually important. Woopty doo. There were still people much more ambitious than me and many of them still amount to nothing. I don't use that as an "excuse" and justify my flaws by saying "well, there are great people who failed", yeah no sh** everyone fails, but most people who fail don't amount to anything, myself included. Most people aren't anything special, stop trying to convince yourself it's that way.

@daakevster: You can't go back to the past due to your regrets. In college, there are non competitive club sports that you can definitely participate in, and while you won't be playing at a college level, you can play for [i]fun[/i]. You're late start definitely works against you, and I'm sorry, but sports is a category in which age works against you. All I can say is that you can still improve and have fun with it, achieving things don't mean crap unless you're the best, everything else is for your own enjoyment. Do you know any astronaut names other than Lance Armstrong and maybe Buzz Aldrin? No. And there are many astronauts in which all they do is circle the earth in their ISS. They never did anything great, never got recognition, and all of them tried extremely hard. The result? They have a job they love doing (no one who doesn't love it would do this kind of job due to the isolation and high mortality rate)

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

hey Micheal Jordan in high school always came earlier than his teammates to practice and still didn't get to play for a long while, Abraham Lincoln failed the president election like 7 consecutive times and even had his wife die with later on having a mental breakdown, heck even me, i was a English learner in elementary and was bullied by the entire class (yes the whole class beside a few people) I cried almost every week in my room and was constantly depressed and blaming my shortcomings and ignorance, i also didn't have any friends to talk to as well. But now am in high school, am a straight A student with a AP class, Honors, AVID and a soon to be President of Video Game Club. Sometimes you just gotta try harder and better than before, if you don't believe me read this article

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

[quote=ritopls]You can't be the best at something so it's not worth doing it at all?

That's literally retarded.

You wouldn't be able to do anything if you lived like that. You have to do things because you think they're fun, not because you're going to be the best at them. First you have to love something, and then you improve naturally.[/quote]

It's not that I wasn't the best that bothers me, it's that I didn't achieve anything. I loved both sports but I never achieved anything worth what was the point? I just found something that I loved but could never have. Ya I had fun and have memories...but all I was was a bench warming. It just hurts trying so hard and being nothing.

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

You can't be the best at something so it's not worth doing it at all?

That's literally retarded.

You wouldn't be able to do anything if you lived like that. You have to do things because you think they're fun, not because you're going to be the best at them. First you have to love something, and then you improve naturally.

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

Join a club, or find people near you that are interested in practicing/playing with you. Alternatively, you can try and convince yourself that it wasn't for you in the first place and forget you were involved in it. That way you don't feel bad about yourself.

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited