
Accounts will be Investigated

December 5, 2015

4 Comments • Newest first


Eh, my friend told me to do it, so I did it, and panicked at the sight of what I did.. Eventually deleted all the meso and items, so I didn't benefit from it. Hell, a lot of people won't. They're going account to account, since they have a list of all who were involved to determine if they gained anything massive from it, and if they didn't (such as me since the items I derped around with i dropped after getting them ridiculous pots from the 99 cubes it gave me)they will be banned. If not, all's fine.

Reply December 5, 2015

Even if they get banned, nexon will unbann them quick because they need the people : c This is how it's always been sadly.

Reply December 5, 2015

For attempting at having an unfair advantage now they dont get to train and are going to get out leveled
If they remove the items cubed (since people definitely tried to use it before nexon noticed the exploit) then all will be well.

Reply December 5, 2015

Good everyone that exploited should be banned. If they leave peoples accounts alone that exploited then people should quit reboot cause that is a bs unfair advantage. Also remove items cubed by the exploited black cubes as well. Everyone needs to have an equal playing field.

Reply December 5, 2015