Pocky and Mist


New tricks to teach my chihuahua?

Anyone have some suggestions? Right now she sits, lays down, rolls over, spins, Plays dead, "meerkats"(my mom taught her this she sits like how the meerkats do when they are watching for predators, its basically sit pretty), gives 5, gives 10, picks which hand I am holding food in, speaks, gives kisses, fetches, howls (when she feels like it =P) and some other stuff I am probably not listing. Anyone have any ideas for more complicated stuff that wouldn't be that hard to teach?

Here is a video of me playing around with her and my cat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYkF1LnpuDI

February 20, 2011

27 Comments • Newest first


why would you teach tricks to a mutated rat?

I seriously hate chihuahas with a passion, too ugly and too noisy.

Reply February 21, 2011

Your chihuahua is adorable. I can't teach my chihuahuas tricks (other than kisses and sit) for anything. D:

Reply February 21, 2011

Sit. Sit Better.

Reply February 21, 2011


to fly?

Reply February 21, 2011

[quote=DarkZaki]omgosh I never leave my dog unattended for more than like2 minutes at a time because she loves people way too much and I am scared people will steal her =([/quote]

If my dogs are out for more than 5mins and no ones there I have to go look for them. I feel like someones gonna steal them because who wouldn't resist and cute little puppy?
The good things is though is that if my dogs think that someone or "something" is following them they boot it to the house and stay there.

Reply February 21, 2011 - edited

[quote=RiniTeny]I'm terrified of letting my chihuahua go down my hill by herself because she knows how to cross the road and everything, but she has such a curious mind that 1 time she walked to this puppy center which is like 2 roads across and she came back just fine and I was like O.O.[/quote]

omgosh I never leave my dog unattended for more than like2 minutes at a time because she loves people way too much and I am scared people will steal her =(

Reply February 21, 2011 - edited

[quote=DarkZaki]They do fight here are some videos of it =P

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eS6G6c95hk]The First time Pocky was allowed to play alone with Mist without mist's mom around[/url]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjmiY2twyFI]Here is one from sometime last year of them playing [/url]
But really it is all playing they really love each other, mists mom ran away from home and got eaten by coyotes or something when she was still pretty small and pocky has been like a big sister or something to her since then so they are great friends

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qynN5J4G3Wg] Pocky and mist love <3[/url]

@DualBlades That is my hugest fear really like even thinking about it makes me feel awful. Pocky is my first dog and I love her SOOOOOO much. She is only 4 right now but our 4 years together have just flown by.

@m0neyj4cker777 She plays dead but I need to figure out how to get her to close her eyes when she is dead.

@guyOFguy Seriously if I come home with groceries and I put the bag down for even a minute she gets in the bag and plays in it or if I move a bag anywhere in the house she will come and get in it. She is a really strange cat

@oreeeeeeo She kills bugs on command and when there are gophers in my yard she always wants to kill them but I have to tell her no cause I am pretty sure they could kick her ass they are way better at fighting. I don't wanna pay the vet bill when one of them takes out her eye =(

@RiniTeny She goes out and does her "business" and then waits by the door until I let her back in. She would prefer to go out with my great pyrenees but the pyrenees runs away from home if she gets loose cause she is a brat haha.

She can walk off leash but I'm always scared a big dog or an owl or something will eat her haha. and I have tried and tried and tried to teach her to catch. When I throw a toy she acts like I'm trying to beat her or something and when I throw food she lets it hit her face then picks it up off the ground she doesn't even try to open her mouth to
get it =([/quote]

I'm terrified of letting my chihuahua go down my hill by herself because she knows how to cross the road and everything, but she has such a curious mind that 1 time she walked to this puppy center which is like 2 roads across and she came back just fine and I was like O.O.

Reply February 21, 2011 - edited

[quote=XAznLustsX]How come your dogs and cat dont fight?
OT:Teach her to walk off a leash or catch.[/quote]

They do fight here are some videos of it =P

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eS6G6c95hk]The First time Pocky was allowed to play alone with Mist without mist's mom around[/url]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjmiY2twyFI]Here is one from sometime last year of them playing [/url]
But really it is all playing they really love each other, mists mom ran away from home and got eaten by coyotes or something when she was still pretty small and pocky has been like a big sister or something to her since then so they are great friends

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qynN5J4G3Wg] Pocky and mist love <3[/url]

@DualBlades That is my hugest fear really like even thinking about it makes me feel awful. Pocky is my first dog and I love her SOOOOOO much. She is only 4 right now but our 4 years together have just flown by.

@m0neyj4cker777 She plays dead but I need to figure out how to get her to close her eyes when she is dead.

@guyOFguy Seriously if I come home with groceries and I put the bag down for even a minute she gets in the bag and plays in it or if I move a bag anywhere in the house she will come and get in it. She is a really strange cat

@oreeeeeeo She kills bugs on command and when there are gophers in my yard she always wants to kill them but I have to tell her no cause I am pretty sure they could kick her ass they are way better at fighting. I don't wanna pay the vet bill when one of them takes out her eye =(

@RiniTeny She goes out and does her "business" and then waits by the door until I let her back in. She would prefer to go out with my great pyrenees but the pyrenees runs away from home if she gets loose cause she is a brat haha.

She can walk off leash but I'm always scared a big dog or an owl or something will eat her haha. and I have tried and tried and tried to teach her to catch. When I throw a toy she acts like I'm trying to beat her or something and when I throw food she lets it hit her face then picks it up off the ground she doesn't even try to open her mouth to get it =(

Reply February 21, 2011 - edited

I taught my chihuahua and yorkie to go outside 1 by 1 and use the bathroom and come back inside.
Very useful.

Reply February 21, 2011 - edited

Make a sandwhich

Reply February 21, 2011 - edited

[quote=Bladeofsoul]Are your dogs both the same gender?[/quote]

The great Pyrenees and the Chihuahua are both female. One of the german shepards is male and one is female.

@LokcCap when my cat is in heat my chihuahua humps her.... they are both girls though?

Reply February 21, 2011 - edited

Teach it hump your pillow like my dog does

Reply February 21, 2011 - edited

@DarkZaki: Lol That would look cool, and I've never heard of a cat with a fetish xD

Reply February 21, 2011 - edited

[quote=guyOFguy]The cat in the Dr. Pepper was SOOOOOOOO cute[/quote]

She likes bags more I should Make a video of her bag fetish =P

Reply February 21, 2011 - edited

The cat in the Dr. Pepper was SOOOOOOOO cute

Reply February 20, 2011 - edited

[quote=PukeADot]Mine's a mutt!

Is it short? =P it looks like it has short legs

Reply February 20, 2011 - edited

[quote=Jazzman180]I thought it said chinchilla and I was really impressed until I read it carefully.[/quote]
haha I totally wanted a chinchilla but my mom made me get guinea pigs instead =( she said my cat would be way too interested in a chinchilla

@mlsxxx13 we have other dogs too

[url=http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/Lonely_Darkness/Group%20Pet%20Pics/10-11-08_0138.jpg]2 German Shepards and a Great Pyrenees[/url]

The Shepards are my moms and the Pyre and the chi are mine. Here is a pic of the pyre and my chi together


Reply February 20, 2011 - edited

[quote=DarkZaki]lmao are you saying my dog is underweight? The vet says she is perfect weight. If she gained any weight she would be obese. a chihuahua has a very small margin between healthy and obese.[/quote]

Chihuahua's are [i]too[/i] small for me. I like bigger dogs. or chubby one's.

Reply February 20, 2011 - edited

[quote=PukeADot]oh okay that's different
lol my dog was only $100 she was a rescue [/quote]

Cute. ^_^ Ours was a little Yorkshire terrier (terror?). lol. He was like a tinny pup and would grrr at us if we bothered him. He was always bossy no matter how much training we did with him. He is soooo smart though. He picks up on just about everything. Cute as a button too. ^__^

Reply February 20, 2011 - edited

I thought it said chinchilla and I was really impressed until I read it carefully.

Reply February 20, 2011 - edited

[quote=mlsxxx13]"gain weight"[/quote]

lmao are you saying my dog is underweight? The vet says she is perfect weight. If she gained any weight she would be obese. a chihuahua has a very small margin between healthy and obese.

Reply February 20, 2011 - edited

"gain weight"

Reply February 20, 2011 - edited

[quote=PukeADot]you shouldn't support puppy mills :O[/quote]

Well it wasnt like a puppy mill, puppy mill. It was this lady who bread dogs and had a place connected to her house. She took reallllly great care of them and did background checks on people and everything. Our doggy cost 600 dollars. T_T

Edit: It was more of like, umm, a private breeder I guess?

Reply February 20, 2011 - edited

[quote=PukeADot]Haha she's cute
One trick I know of that's best suited for smaller dogs is "pogo" (jump straight up)
My dog can sort of do that to a degree but she's 50 lb so it's harder for her, she kind of goes into a spin while jumping instead of straight up, but it's still really cute
There's also "moonwalk" (walking backyards while bowing)
And "shy" (sitting down and covering eyes) I taught this to my dog by rubbing a treat on her snout, but common way is by placing tape on the snout.
Also "bad dog" (on back on side covering eyes)
Handstand is pretty tricky but very impress, I think it would be easier for small dogs. My dog is too bulky for it but I've seen border collies and smaller dogs do it. I taught my dog by lifting her back legs up with my forearm (she still only does it when I support her lol) but there are videos on youtube that show it being done by backing onto a stack of books.[/quote]

I tried to teach her handstand as well but she always makes faces like I am beating her or something when I pick up her back legs haha. I tried to teach her to show her teeth on command but she only does it at my mom LOL

Reply February 20, 2011 - edited

[quote=DarkZaki]=0 seriously? I kinda thought it was hopeless to try to teach her stuff like that cause she is scared of stuff bigger than her usually[/quote]

Awww. lol. Well my dog was bossy and scared of nothing. Even when he was just a pup, he would boss the other puppies at the puppy mil. lmao. Even in his old age, he gets in fights with our other dog who is like... hmm.... 6 times bigger? lol. Our big dog looks sad when the little one tries nipping at his feet. We taught the big one not to fight back though. We just run over and yell at the little one. Although the bigger one sometimes deserves it because he tramples the little one and pretends he doesnt see it, even though he does... we caught the big one shoving the little one off the couch once...

Reply February 20, 2011 - edited

[quote=br333]I taught my dog to go close my door cause i was too lazy to do it myself... lol. However, if my door wasnt open, he would sometimes try to close it for a treat.

Edit: My dog was just as little as yours btw. If they just lean against it, it usually closes. (at least mine did)[/quote]
=0 seriously? I kinda thought it was hopeless to try to teach her stuff like that cause she is scared of stuff bigger than her usually

Reply February 20, 2011 - edited

I taught my dog to go close my door cause i was too lazy to do it myself... lol. However, if my door wasnt open, he would sometimes try to close it for a treat.

Edit: My dog was just as little as yours btw. If they just lean against it, it usually closes. (at least mine did)

Reply February 20, 2011 - edited