
Is there an item that moves pot from one item to another?


Sorry havent played in a long time

December 10, 2014

5 Comments • Newest first


no because how else is nxon supposed to earn huge $ from us silly players

Reply December 10, 2014

I can call up my dealers if you wanna move some pot. We never get caught by the cops.

Reply December 10, 2014

You can transpose potential from one item onto a sweet water item or by blowing up an item through star force enhancing and getting an equipment trace that puts the same potential on a new item.

Reply December 10, 2014

It's called cubes.

Reply December 10, 2014

Nope, few years back there was an item generator exploit that had such an item. It looked like an anvil, but was able to transfer potential to another item. However that was never actually obtainable legitimately.

Video of exploited item:

Reply December 10, 2014 - edited