
Commerci Routes

Question fo' all you SW hunters.
After you get to Herb Town, is it worth going to Rien, and then Lith Harbor?
The bosses are the same, so should I stay in herb town doing 4runs/day instead of going to Rein and Lith, going on only 2 or 3 runs/day?

January 10, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


Didn't know there were more bosses. Thanks. <3

Reply January 10, 2014

Rein harbor gives you an extra boss
~red grosso
lith harbor gives you the same as rein with an extra boss
~harder livy

They have better drop rates well don't know if it still applies to the nerf.
Think of it like this
herbtown is 8 bosses a day
while lith harbor is 8 bosses + 1 rosa run
so 9 bosses with 6 of those bosses having a higher drop rate ~

Reply January 10, 2014

Well there is actually a RED Grosso Polpo in Rien & Lith, which means it's actually 3 bosses per voyage.

Reply January 10, 2014

Herb Town = 2 bosses per trip. 4 trips per day. 8 bosses per day.
Rien = 3 bosses per trip. 3 trips per day. 9 bosses per day.

I also heard that Grosso Pulpo V2 has more of a chance.
Put those facts together annnddd?

Reply January 10, 2014