

1h vs 2h sword

I've honestly been one of those people who doesn't know the difference between the two aside from speed and a bit of range difference. Would anyone mind telling me if either one is better than the other for a dawn warrior? or is it situational in terms of training, bossing and funding?

September 1, 2016

5 Comments • Newest first


1h sword is what i used when i played dw with a terminus shield scrolled with 3atk scrolls. Speed over damage.

Reply September 3, 2016 - edited

DW has fast casting speed on Moon Dancer, so the DPS gap between 1H and 2H isn't too terrible relative to other classes. Since you'll be using Lunar stance over Equinox 9 times out of 10, you won't be anywhere near the speed cap when using a 2H sword. Don't forget the fact that you can scroll your shield to compensate for the range difference although the DPS difference won't be too significant in the first place.

Reply September 2, 2016 - edited

onehanded axe

Reply September 2, 2016 - edited

Pretty sure dawn warrior hits soft cap with its own skills even when using 2h, so go with 2h.
It's basically free damage.

I personally use 1h since I hop between mihile and my dawn warrior.
Also having high latency which makes equinox pretty much useless stops me from getting the extra attack speed from sun stance.

Reply September 2, 2016 - edited