

[Reboot] Job Change Shadower to Dual Blade?

At the moment I have a shadower that is 152 and honestly it's not as fun as I remember shadower to be when I got mine to 200. I'm also having a hard time trying to make meso due to the slow-ish limited ranged attacks because if I use phase dash my pet won't be able to pick up the money.

The only cons I see to me switching would I would have to farm up to spend about 59m to get the mastery books and find a katara. Are there any other cons you can think of? Is dual blade any better than shadower game play on reboot?

December 17, 2015

6 Comments • Newest first


i was a shadower till 150ish too, db is a lot funner and worth changing for that reason alone.
i sold my dkhanj for db gear and books and a better dagger so i wasnt in that much of a pickle.
your hyper skill is way better on db dps wise (especially for bossing) can be linked with angelic buster link skill for intense dmg
final cut is a savage skill.
on the down-side youre a lot squishier, you dont have meso guard, but you have advanced dark sight (might put you into ds if u get hit) and some other stuff like the life drain that has abt 10% chance to heal u full hp? idr
db more fun, more potential to do dmg, better bosser imo, better wave clear, and boss dps
but is squishier and if you will require u to get better gear to do better
(consists of multiple squishy attacks instead of slow hard hitting attacks that shadowers do)

Reply December 24, 2015

Okay, well I was a shadower in reboot and last week I switched to DB so I'll tell you what I think so far.
First off, meso guard doesn't seem that important. I always boss and grind, and I have had no issues surviving without meso guard. It is also more helpful to NOT have it since you aren't dropping meso everywhere and pushing them around with rush.
Second, bossing is way faster. The 170 hyper skill has GREAT hitboxes and damage, and will let you melt bosses very quickly. I can solo normal Horntail at least twice as fast now that I have this skill. Czak is also way easier.
Mobbing isn't really better or worse. You can't rush anymore, which is unfortunate and blade fury does way less damage then boomerang step, but then again it is also faster. Shad/Db are probably even here, if not shad being a little better.
Only downside I've observed is that final cut and blade clone give you most of your damage but they are 60 sec duration with 90 sec cooldown so 1/3 of the time you will have mediocre damage. However if you can get buff duration from inner ability and mechanic character card, this wouldn't be much of a problem.

In terms of overall 1v1 dps, at about 150k range I am hitting WAY less per line (was hitting 1.5-2m on shadower, and now I hit 500k-1m per line). BUT dps is higher because the attacks are faster. So right now DB is a little bit better but in the long run it will be a lot better. Also, Db is a lot more fun I found, just saying.

Reply December 19, 2015

Apparently DB later on is better than than shad, but earlier shad is definitely better from what I experienced. DB is a lot more squishy, but they're a tad bit more mobile. Also if you're having problems with range of the attacks then you probably wouldn't get much difference .

Reply December 18, 2015

DB on reboot is better than shad (imo) since a less funded DB is stronger than less funded shad.
DB better bosser, mobber, more mobile, and doesn't have a boring kit

Reply December 18, 2015

Lack of Meso Guard probably the biggest con you'll have to get used to.

Reply December 17, 2015