
A list of obsolete mastery books?

My apologies if this has been asked before, I couldn't find one through google.

There is currently an event running that will allow you to exchange obsolete mastery books (the mastery books that can be still used cannot be exchanged) for generic mastery books. However, I am not aware of which mastery books are no longer usable(well, I am aware of some, but not all) and since this exchange service is temporary(it's until new year), I would rather that I can exchange the ones I do have as soon as possible for the purpose of maxing the skills on my 4th job characters.

I should also mention that there are obsolete mastery books that do not appear that way, for instance, earlier I had tried to use Power Stance 20 to raise my Dark Knight Power Stance skill. However, due to their differences, it was not possible to use it. (The Power Stance skill used to be an active buff, but now it is passive, and therefore in too different of a category.) This is the main reason why I would like a list, if one exists.

December 20, 2013

8 Comments • Newest first


Well, she has shown me which books I have are exchangeable, but she doesn't have a big list of stuff that is(she only shows you which of the ones you have can be exchanged.)

I'm also not sure if this works on characters below 4th job, i've been collecting my mastery books from my mules.

If she does have a big list somewhere, I don't know where it is.

I'll try straight up exchanging from my mules later to find out through trial and error, I guess. (I have over 40 of them, so...)

Reply December 20, 2013

Doesn't Maple Admin tell you which books can be traded in?

Reply December 20, 2013
Edmania one knows if there's a list somewhere?

Reply December 20, 2013

Maple Admin, lag hall.

Reply December 20, 2013

just talk to maple admin and she will tell you

Reply December 20, 2013

You can also trade in Taunt.

Where can I find this person that allows me to do this?

Reply December 20, 2013

why? omgod like no -.-

Reply December 20, 2013

you can trade in power stance. i know because i traded power stance 30 for a generic one before.
i had a few others, but i don't remember which ones i think dark knight's beholder book is tradable too

Reply December 20, 2013