

Kanna Dps Breakdown

Hi fellow Kannas and based @BaldnUgly, god of Kannas.

The purpose of this thread will be to make it more clear on how DPS is calculated particularly in the manner of how JT does his except with limited used of RNG and of course with the option to add in the godly M.ATT% buff that you guys have. [b]I've noted a few sneaky sheet additions in a few of my DPS spreadsheets. Please, "File>Make a copy" if you want to make edits (most of the sheet is locked for editing anyway).[/b] Otherwise I'm open for suggestions, so feel free to make a request and I'll consider if it's worthy to be added.

- Shows you a breakdown of your damage sources and how they convert into DPS.
- You may choose your target type to see how your DPS changes depending on bosses.
- You may add additional Boss%, Ignore Def% and ATT% to see how they scale.
- Exclusion: Does not take into account your Att and Stat buffs.
- Exclusion: Echo is not used. However you may add it as an ATT% source

[url=]Kanna DPS breakdown[/url]
Special thanks to @loxiona on clarifying some things for me.
- [2014.07.30] [b]Fixed[/b] errors/delays.
- [2014.07.28] Beta released
[b]There's still a few things I need to confirm:[/b]
- Ninetail fury casting delay (need to validate 3000-4000ms casting delay)

Also let me know if you find any errors with the dps analysis or if you think there needs to be a correction in the skill procession/ordering. I'm more than happy to take in your critiques as... I don't really know Kanna that much but I do have interest in cute little Haku.

[header2]DPS siblings[/header2]
- [url=]Bowman (All 5)[/url]
- [url=]Beast Tamer[/url]

July 28, 2014

12 Comments • Newest first


@loxiona: Kishin shoukan's attack rate or shoudl I say... most summon attack rates are 1530ms. (the 600ms is the summon delay) (I don't have enough columns to make this clear, sorry.) Though I definitely forgot about halving it because it hits twice.

FA delays/glitches are considered to be (at least for the purpose of the sheets i create) non-existent. Over a long period of time it will eventually proc and I do not intend to cater for abnormalities or minor differences. I have yet to touch blackhearted curse so be patient. I'm taking these notes down to work on it this weekend (incl. testing) so be patient .

Reply July 29, 2014

@Elufu np

Regarding Kishin, despite what extractions say, Kishin for me attacks at a rate of about 750ms in game. You can test this by timing how often one of the 2 demons attacks, which is about 1500ms.

Monkey Spirits also has the FA issue where the first monkey spirits proc has to finish before it can be proc'd again. Near all attacks can trigger it also, including blackhearted curse and vanquishers charm

Reply July 29, 2014

@loxiona: Thanks !

Doing this for Kanna has been quite messy (because I can't extract myself and whatever's out there lack vital information ). I'll fix all this when I in-game test some of your values.

Reply July 28, 2014

[quote=Elufu]Just for your information how I've made the sheet to compute the dps is by not considering it as a rapid fire skill(because it has a completely different delay) at all. 3+2(including hypers) over 570ms = 114ms between each hit(line), [b]which by how BalnUgly mentioned is probably not the best way to go, considering the attack rate doesn't change.[/b] When you mean attacking intervals is that 5 hits/lines per 333ms ? or 1 line per 333ms?[/quote]

5 lines(1 attack) every 333ms, or a single line every 66ms~
Yea the attack interval is pretty much constant. It's just the start up that can vary based on weapon speed and boosters

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

@loxiona: Jeez... that's a very long startup delay.(compared to bowman standards).

Just for your information how I've made the sheet to compute the dps is by not considering it as a rapid fire skill(because it has a completely different delay) at all. 3+2(including hypers) over 570ms = 114ms between each hit(line), [b]which by how BalnUgly mentioned is probably not the best way to go, considering the attack rate doesn't change.[/b] When you mean attacking intervals is that 5 hits/lines per 333ms ? or 1 line per 333ms?

Ninetail fury: noted

Mana font: Irrelevant. Your fan mastery in 4th job already includes this.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

@Elufu Vanquishers Charm Delays in your skill information chart are not accurate. Assuming that we are attacking a punching bag, you are taking the start up delay as the actual delay between vanquishers charm attacks, which is not correct (It's the start up delay as @Balddd has said). Actual attacking intervals are what I'd estimate to be 3x a second, or 333ms.

Also, 9 tail fury is affected by weapon speed I believe. I think under normal circumstances its about 3000-4000ms. (fast fan+booster to a slow fan w/o booster)

Blackhearted Curse is 2000ms for me ingame

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

@Elufu: Nah, it doesnt affect the damage output, it just makes the animation faster.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

@loxiona: Oooops my bad. Didn't change the sharing restriction. (I'm quickly reviewing the restrictions before you can fiddle with it. o.o and now [b]fixed[/b])
(Oh my gobbles.. the spam share requests. )

Base Mastery: I meant without 0 skills, which is 25% from the sounds of it anyway. (25%->40%->90%)
Blackhearted curse: Yeah I saw the 2000 subtime value... I had sworn it was quicker. I'll have to check in game.
Shisen Byakko: Thanks! (and yes GMS name would be that i think...)

I'll get round to fixing these changes in a week or so. Hoping I get a few comments before I go into these edits. Let me know if something doesn't make sense.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

[b]There's still a few things I need to fix/address/need help with:[/b]
- Bleackhearted Curse: Attack rate?
- Shisen Byakko: Skill delay?
- Base mastery: Not sure on this. Is it the same as all mages? 25%?
- Weapon/casting speed: Does speed infusion affect the attack rate of Vanquisher?
- Cleaning up appearance

Base Mastery is 40% I believe, max is 90%, though mine goes up to 91% w/ decent CO
Blackhearted curse Attack rate: 2000ms according to extractions
Shisen Byakko (nine tail fury?) I'm not sure of what the delay is, or if its affected by fan speed. with a slow fan, it was about 3750ms for me.

Also I can't see the chart, but I can see your other ones

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

@Balddd: Asking because it affects Phantom's hurricanesque skill

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

Attack speed does not affect Vanq Charm's attack speed, it only affects the start up and the delay afterwards.

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited

[quote=Phonetics]But I don't want a god that is @BaldNUgly [/quote]

& I wouldn't mind a God who's a cat. :**

Reply July 28, 2014 - edited