
High latency - Oceania/Asia

Anyone from Oceania/Asia playing on Reboot server? Is it just me or is the game extremely laggy as of now? I monitored my ping in performance monitor and it seems I have a 280 ~ 500 ms ping. I am not complaining but I was just wondering whether it is same for everyone from these regions. I would appreciate if someone from these regions have YT/twitch as I would like to see some gameplay videos and compare my latency.

December 9, 2015

9 Comments • Newest first


@endurance: Probably because MapleSEA is notoriously awful. I've heard some horror stories about that place that would make even the most hardened GMS players cry.

Reply December 9, 2015

Interesting! thanks I'll check mine when I get on . It should be interesting to see how i connect living so far away

Reply December 9, 2015

@appall: Usually <100 ms ping is considered good. Anything above that hampers gameplay to some extent. For us, we mostly calculate latency in seconds as it is more concise that way.

@endurance: They don't have Reboot and I don't want to get into their trillion meso economy. The economy in MSEA is utterly broken.

Reply December 9, 2015

@elvisxx: why are you not playing on MapleSEA? thats like living in the USA and playing Maple EU.. the ping is obviously gonna be horrible

Reply December 9, 2015

@elvisxx: Thank you! I am completely new to this as I just started googling this topic today. What is a decent ping for playing online games? Where I live on the opposite side of the continent from California I want to see how that affects my ping compared to people living in other locations (closer or farther) than me. Mainly I look at this because I lag immensely when trying to loot items. I want to see if it's server lag or my connection speed.

Reply December 9, 2015

@appall: While playing the game, open your task manager and open the performance manager from the performance tab. In the performance manager, select the network tab and under TCP Connections, you will find "latency" of maplestory.exe. It is not 100% accurate but the latency is something like that. MS used to support ping reducing game tunneling softwares such as WTFast, BattlePing but after they introduced the new security measures, all these tools were rendered useless.

Reply December 9, 2015

How do you determine your ping? I live towards the eastern part of canada and want to determine my ping time to california (east side USA). Also - besides moving is there anyway to reduce ping?

Reply December 9, 2015

@yoriken: Thanks for sharing. He seems to be spending his time on gear management atm. It would be awesome if I could see some actual combat, so that I could compare the lag. I will wait I guess.

Reply December 9, 2015

@elvisxx I live in aus, Melbourne and reboot servers are fine to me.

as for somebody playing in a reboot server, watch zerobydivide (current rank #2 in maplestory)
and he lives in Melbourne aswell

Reply December 9, 2015