

envenomed #Updates Talk

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Latency issues Mapleversary 2013 Good afternoon! Well since you may know or have experienced this in the past weekend of 2x EXP event, it was laggy as hell or at least for the most people it was laggy. But it's Tuesday and I'm still experiencing such latency! The thing is I only get this on my Main Account while on my mule account I'm fine and no lag whatsoever... Notice the next: *Casting skill Macro on my Aran and Phantom. *Going in and out of the FM room. *Delayed chat. Anyone else experiencing this? [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65tmgCBvXws]Video Proof[/url] [url=http://maplestory.nexon.net/Community/#%2Fshowthread.php%3F848250-Latency-Mapleversary-%28Video-Included%29%26p%3D7173933%23post7173933]Made a thread also on the official