
Evo lab core service

Do people buy/sell core service? I got 100% population and 20x HP on my Xenon that I don't intend train, but it'd be a waste to let it sit there.

January 26, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


I see. I'll probably use it for some random people for free during tomorrow 2x then.

Reply January 26, 2014

Nobody really buys since most people are there 'til 140 at which point they move to Di. But before they're 140, their damage usually sucks, so HPx20 is usually too much. Monster population also doesn't change too much from 30-100, although I suppose it's good during the no-vac period for classes that have pitifully-ranged attacks (which hardly exist now anyway). Only classes with rare spammable ultimates can really take advantage of population 70/100%.

You could try work something out with higher levels though.

Reply January 26, 2014

Kinda hard to buy or sell it seeing as when you leave the room closes.

Reply January 26, 2014