

P/c my Bow please? o

So the Cygnus event is coming up soon and I've been working on my bow for awhile : [url=][/url]
I was wondering how much this is worth, and the difference of price it would be if it was +10. I'd have to buy a clean slate service and hope a 50% works. If the difference between +9 and +10 is a lot I may or may not do it? So I need help deciding. Btw I am in Broa and trying to sell this.

EDIT 1: Okay I don't know how to link so someone can you please fix for me? :O

August 31, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


Scania wise, I'd say a good 3bish. Finish that last slot and it'll sell easier and you can price it for higher. Might even be able to sell it for 4-5b in your server.

Reply August 31, 2013
No idea about broa prices though sorry

Reply August 31, 2013