

General Mercedes

Lag During Hurricane Skills On Bosses I've been lagging while using any hurricane skills and it's quite annoying when all I want to do is boss. Every other skill seems fine, and my Ishtar's Ring seems too work fine on everything with low hp. However, on anything that that's slightly beefy, the screen freezes. I can still hear noise in the background but everything else seems the same. I've tried changing settings to the lowest, but it provides the same results as if the settings were on the highest. I think the problem with my lag is an fps issue due to the numbers spamming, but I don't know how to resolve it (or if a transparent damage skin would resolve it). Any help would be greatly appreciated. P.S. I can't "git gud" and one s


Jewel Crafting Questions With the new Spiegelman Survival thing Jewel Crafting is back! Last time this event happened all my rings broke, or I threw em away. Anyways I noticed the quest and clicked on it and did the quest. After a crushing defeat, I opened the rewards chest and got a Nimble Jewel S. Going back to what I said about the last event: -Can we scroll these rings with scrolls besides the chaos scrolls for jewels? -Are they pottable? -What level are the rings? (In case it's like first tier *shudders*) Those are my questions about the rings themselves. Also, does anybody have a clue as to when the Moon Bunny will start crafting them again?

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