

Help me with dmg

well i've just returned to my ice lightning mage ( level 132 ) but i thought i did pretty good dmg, but then i saw an other ice lightning mage around the same level hitting like 6 times my dmg! so i guess that i don't do as much dmg as i thought. but my question is:

how can i do more dmg ( i have not got much mesos only around 35m )

i have got these items:

- Reverse enreal tear Matk 151 0 upgrades left
- maple scarf +2 matk + 8 int
- 2% int shoes
- 6% int earrings + 5 matk
- Messoranger set not scrolled

the rest basicly sucs

could anyone help me on how to earn more mesos or get better gear my self? ( my range is 12853 - 13530 unbuffed )

January 1, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


oke thanks a lot all of you especially strenling
i will try to make money and items the way you told me thanks so much

Reply January 2, 2014

@356nx : It probably will be, since Battle Mages didn't have as much MP (that I know of) to start with compared to the other mages.

Reply January 1, 2014

Your MP should have auto-adjusted, @356nx

Reply January 1, 2014

Right now, one thing I might recommend is doing the Zero storyline. Some monsters can drop some pretty decent recipes (On day 2 of my playing mine, I got a Dark Angelic Blessing Recipe)- And if you get said recipe, you can start making money from doing basic boring stuff over and over, but making tons in no time. What I recommend is getting around 150m so that you can afford a Dark Angelic Blessing Recipe, go out and get the materials yourself, craft the Ring (Make sure you've got level 10 accessory crafting or you mayyy fail), and then sell it for about 400m! 250m profit from that everytime!

For your equips, I recommend going to Monster Park Extreme and getting 6% int of the top, bottom, shoes, and gloves- they're a little annoying to get exactly what you want, but perfect for unfundeds. After you've made enough money from my above strategy, you can then buy the Dragon Tail Mage set for level 140 (And when you get there, you may even transpose them all to Commerci equips). Also, take advantage of events. The RED event can get you lots of stuff- for cheap you can get the 105 Revolution armour that would probably increase your range by quite a bit with the whole set (I forgot the set effects. 20 magic attack and 20% boss damage?), along with a decent base attack on the staff/wand. Then you can scroll it with the RED scrolls.

If you do all that, your range will increase significantly! Good luck, fellow best-class!

Reply January 1, 2014