
Black cube choice

30% boss or 9% att 6% total

February 6, 2015

8 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Undexme]90% att isn't easy to accomplish, since only three equip slots can get that as a potential (weapon, secondary, emblem). That's an average of 30% att per equip.[/quote]

I'm not saying it is easy to accomplish. What I am saying is that there have been formulas made for the best dps and I'm giving him the conclusive findings

Reply February 7, 2015

[quote=Tedster0319]after hitting 220% boss, try getting 90% att before going back to boss dmg raise
edit: focus boss first[/quote]

90% att isn't easy to accomplish, since only three equip slots can get that as a potential (weapon, secondary, emblem). That's an average of 30% att per equip.

Reply February 6, 2015

[quote=Frostozen]7% total on my spear too[/quote]

Keep the %boss. Originally I thought you had 100% boss without the 30%, and doing some calcs, you'd need 100% total damage, plus that 100% boss, before the 9% atk 6% total damage would be[b]slightly better, slightly as in insignificant but still technically better[/b].

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

[quote=iEvanMaster]30% boss is better for you, unless you have a lot of %total damage from other equips that you didn't mention.[/quote]

7% total on my spear too

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

[quote=Frostozen]like 90-100% boss with that 30% boss and 19% att with that 9% att[/quote]

30% boss is better for you, unless you have a lot of %total damage from other equips that you didn't mention.

Actually, forget the second part. If you only have 90-100% boss [i]with[/i] that 30%, then no doubt about it, %boss wins hands down.

@ above no. You want as much %boss and %atk as possible if you want to maximize your damage output. Sacrificing %boss for %atk is a very common misconception many people make.

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

after hitting 220% boss, try getting 90% att before going back to boss dmg raise
edit: focus boss first

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

[quote=d4rk88isz]how much of each do you already have
need that info[/quote]
like 90-100% boss with that 30% boss and 19% att with that 9% att

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited

how much of each do you already have
need that info

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited