

Showdown skill Exp bonus not working?

My Night Lord doesn't seem to get bonus EXP from the Showdown skill when I kill monsters.
They become untouchable, but I don't think about the EXP and Drop rate bonuses are working.

February 6, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


One-hit KO results in no extra exp gain from using showdown.

Reply February 6, 2014

It's astonishing that people keep asking this question. Pre-RED Taunt didn't give you the EXP/Drop Rate Increase either if you ohko'd them, so why would they change it post-RED? I know Demon Cry gives you the effects if you ohko, but DS's don't use MP. Demon Force is also limited, and can't be replenished with healing potions.

Reply February 6, 2014 - edited

It's because you are OHKOing them. You need to leave a mark on them before killing them in order for it to take place.

Reply February 6, 2014 - edited