

Ultimate Inferno Slower?

I just became a bowmaster today (yay me!) and I put one point into ultimate inferno. I started training and I noticed that ultimate inferno is slower than regular inferno. There is a slight delay when firing. Am I the only one to notice this? The sound effect is also a bit different.

December 10, 2011

4 Comments • Newest first


I agree it did seem slightly slower to me...

Reply December 17, 2011

@jox I wouldn't call our only linear mob move (next to Arrow Bomb) useless, if you really believe that then you're not using it properly.

OT: I think the increase in delay that you're experiencing is the change in animation. I found it to be pretty insignificant and got used to it. As far as the delays go technically, I don't think there is a difference in milliseconds.

Reply December 13, 2011

Haven't really noticed, but since the skill is basically useless as the game is now, I wouldn't worry much.

Reply December 12, 2011

i never really noticed anything, and so what if the skill sounds a bit different?

Reply December 11, 2011