

Video explains the whole Bishop/Priest role in a party.

Anyone agree that this is how Priests/Bishops are treated and basically expected to be?Lol.. A Bishop dpsing instead of only casting HS?Blasphemy!
Because we totally don't know that you're either 50% hp,or low on health.

May 25, 2011

13 Comments • Newest first


[quote=GodSyde]I really didn't expect this thread to escalate into a full on rage fest towards bishops.
1)it's nice to have potions if you're dpsing even if a bishop is going to be healing you.
2)Dpsing here and there really isn't that bad,is it?And don't blame Bishops for their terrible damage,blame Nexon for making them that way.
3)Bishops are treated like crap so often and then you wonder why they get such a bad reputation most of the time. Do the math,treat a Bishop better than just a mule and they will put forth more effort on their part.[/quote]

From what I've seen, it's more of an argument over the playstyle/role of our class than a class-bashing fest.
1) And many people have auto-pot. Also, bishops don't always just spam heal since potting is generally more reliable and some bosses have zombify. I usually find myself spamming dispel more than heal. Heal is really only necessary under the effects of seduce or pot cooldown.
2) When it gets your party killed and doesn't really help speed up the killing, it is bad. Another factor is that HARDLY ANY BISHOPS OR MAGES FOR THAT MATTER FUND THEIR CHARACTERS. Though, I will agree that class design is largely responsible for our low damage. But the thing here is that we're not really complaining about bishop damage, we're complaining because bishops aren't playing their role properly during boss runs.
3) Which is why you don't party/boss with randoms. You do it with a small niche of regular friends/guildies. The reputation of your class doesn't affect the reputation of you as a player at least among the people whose opinions should count for you. I acknowledge that there's alot of negative stereotypes towards our class, but you have to consider the converse of that arguments. Some bishops allow themselves to fall into those stereotypes (IE Selling HS/attacking during bosses to the detriment of your party), rather than prove them wrong.

Reply May 27, 2011

I really didn't expect this thread to escalate into a full on rage fest towards bishops.
1)it's nice to have potions if you're dpsing even if a bishop is going to be healing you.
2)Dpsing here and there really isn't that bad,is it?And don't blame Bishops for their terrible damage,blame Nexon for making them that way.
3)Bishops are treated like crap so often and then you wonder why they get such a bad reputation most of the time. Do the math,treat a Bishop better than just a mule and they will put forth more effort on their part.

Reply May 27, 2011

Well, who would have thought that a support class wouldn't be #1 in DPM? Truly this game's logic must be screwed up.

[quote=PockyAddict]It's nice to have your OWN potions >3>;[/quote]

Never felt the effects of seduce or pot lock, have you?

[quote=necrocandy]Granted she should have been paying attention to her party, but that "fail" damage is still damage being delt. Not every priest/bishop want's to stand there and heal. Glad I'm not in your server, I actually get positive comments when I attack vs. sitting there like a lump.[/quote]

That's essentially comparing a pea shooter to a barrett 50 cal. You kill the boss 10 seconds faster. Well done. But the attackers have lost precious exp at high levels and have wasted nx on wheels, heck, you may have even slowed the party down in the time the main attackers were dead. You develop a negative reputation for yourself by allowing your party to die (it's understandable if it happens occasionally or by accident, but when you deliberately allow them to die in order to shoot a giant dragon with a pea shooter, people will get irritated), and it doesn't help in regards to our negative class stereotypes.

Attacking while training at LHC is different from attacking on a boss run. I suppose it's understandable at an easier boss like zak or scarlion who aren't really dangerous bosses, but at bosses like CZAK and HT, you need to be focusing on keeping your party alive.

Reply May 27, 2011

[quote=Classicvibe]Not when you completely ignore the fact that one of the attackers was seduced for about 7 seconds, by which time he's dead. I've done HT runs on my bishop before, and I honestly don't see why people would have trouble keeping their party alive.

Why bring a bishop when you're going to die anyways?[/quote]

I'm not saying you shouldn't do the cliche things a priest/bishop should do, I'm annoyed when people make it seem like aside from that we fail. Yeah our damage is not up to par with other classes but it's not like we are useless, damage is damage. Your post just came off like we should sit there and not do anything, what fun is that? I picked the class for fun, yeah I play the support role in parties but I also refuse to sit around and spam heal to make myself feel useful. To have some one be like "oh she was attacking with her fail dmg, why cant she just heal" annoyed me -__-

I did, however, agree she should have been paying attention to the party.

Reply May 27, 2011 - edited

[quote=necrocandy]Granted she should have been paying attention to her party, but that "fail" damage is still damage being delt. Not every priest/bishop want's to stand there and heal. Glad I'm not in your server, I actually get positive comments when I attack vs. sitting there like a lump.[/quote]

Not when you completely ignore the fact that one of the attackers was seduced for about 7 seconds, by which time he's dead. I've done HT runs on my bishop before, and I honestly don't see why people would have trouble keeping their party alive.

Why bring a bishop when you're going to die anyways?

Reply May 27, 2011 - edited

[quote=Classicvibe]^^ I agree with him

Last HT run I went on with a Bishop, she was more interested in attacking the Heads with her fail 40k dmg, and let me and a bucc die about 4 times.

that's noob if I ever saw anything, absolutely no one I know ever invites bishops to boss runs now. You guys might think that being such a good support character, bishops are reliable, but more often they're not, mostly because of human failings than anything else[/quote]

Granted she should have been paying attention to her party, but that "fail" damage is still damage being delt. Not every priest/bishop want's to stand there and heal. Glad I'm not in your server, I actually get positive comments when I attack vs. sitting there like a lump.

Reply May 27, 2011 - edited

^^ I agree with him

Last HT run I went on with a Bishop, she was more interested in attacking the Heads with her fail 40k dmg, and let me and a bucc die about 4 times.

that's noob if I ever saw anything, absolutely no one I know ever invites bishops to boss runs now. You guys might think that being such a good support character, bishops are reliable, but more often they're not, mostly because of human failings than anything else

Reply May 26, 2011 - edited

Man, when will bishops stop whining?
I doubt you would get invited by a party so you could deal 60Ks to the boss with your pathetic AR

seriously, just heal, dispel, resurrect or whatever you HAVE to do given the circumstances
I mean, you don't need to be telling your slaves to attack the whole goddamn boss-run
They play their role without any instruction
Why don't you people learn what your place is and just accomplish your role?

You are not responsible if someone dies, bishops can have a few lag-spikes here and there; yes, yes and yes
But a bishop attacking instead of casting heal/dispel is a big NO
This is why most, if not all, bishops are incompetent.

Reply May 26, 2011 - edited

Why wasn't that Monk healing everyone? By that point Monks can cast white magic. I am a stickler for details.

"Bet you feel pretty stupid right now huh"

Reply May 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=Divined]shut up and heal[/quote]

Will do when you're zombified and I have an extra wheel.

You've obviously never been to the bigger bosses. With the exception of being seduced, everyone else covers their own asses. Dispelling is more important.

Reply May 25, 2011 - edited

[quote=Classicvibe]Lemme know when you use an Onyx Apple so I can Bless you[/quote]

Also full of win.

Reply May 25, 2011 - edited

Lemme know when you use an Onyx Apple so I can Bless you

Reply May 25, 2011 - edited

[quote=gdfdgh77]Sure, I'll make sure to do that when you're zombified.[/quote]

This post is full of win.

Reply May 25, 2011 - edited