General Buccaneer

Help me w/ my Brawler Yeah so I'm dumb and never noticed I put this in the wrong section the first time. I hope I'm not doing anything wrong by posting this in the right section... Hello everyone. I was wondering if you could rate my brawler at his current status and recommend me some equips and other necessary items for the future. I plan on making this guy my main and I want to at the very least get him to level 100 efficiently and have some fun along the way. Level 56 Brawler Range w/ buffs: 2055 ~ 2936 (Dark clarity, warrior elixir) Str: 350 (267+83) Dex: 76 (25+51) Items worth mentioning: Bugeyed frog hat (8/8 str/dex, 5 atk) Tree branch nose (16 str, 1 slot) Absolute ring SHOULDER (6 atk) Maple Storm finger (3 STR, 51 ATK, +4% STR, Cl

General Fashion

Rate my Brawler? What else should I do? Hello everyone. I was wondering if you could rate my brawler at his current status and recommend me some equips and other necessary items for the future. I plan on making this guy my main and I want to at the very least get him to level 100 efficiently and have some fun along the way. Level 56 Brawler Range w/ buffs: 2055 ~ 2936 (Dark clarity, warrior elixir) Str: 350 (267+83) Dex: 76 (25+51) Items worth mentioning: Bugeyed frog hat (8/8 str/dex, 5 atk) Tree branch nose (16 str, 1 slot) Absolute ring SHOULDER (6 atk) Maple Storm finger (3 STR, 51 ATK, +4% STR, Clean) Rest of my equips are just standard I have around [b]180 million[/b] to spend towards funding my brawler. What do you guys recommend I d

General Darkknight

Feedback for my old DrK, any help is appreciated So I recently started replaying my old DrK. It's an old character so he has a high amount of dex. I'll list my range and everything with all buffs I have being applied. Any and all feedback is appreciated. I'd love to know what I should buy, what I should try to scroll, etc. Thank you in advance. lvl 112 Drk HP w/ HB: 13,172 MP w/ HB: 1510 STR: 706 (511+195) Dex: 142 (71 + 71) - Very high, it's an old character. Range with buffs: 6165 ~ 6850 38% crit rate Buffs used: Level 10 Beholden, +20% mastery Level 10 Hex, +20 atk Level 7 Berserk, damage +37%, crit damage +4% Max Dragon Strength, +60 STR Equips: 17/15 Scarlion helm 16 STR tree branch nose, 1 slot 12 STR, 6 ATK earrings, clean 15 STR top


Im thinking about playing again Hi guys. I haven't been on this site in what feels like 2 years or more. Anyway, I've been thinking about playing MS again for some reason. I have two characters I can play as so I don't need to worry about starting over or anything. Also, I don't care about having the best damage in the world or being super pro, just for fun. Now, is it worth it to play MS again? I'm aware a lot of change has been made over the years but it still makes me unsure because I feel like I have no idea where to train now. I have a 106 DK and a 80 something sader. I'm thinking about playing the DK again. Here comes the questions. How much funds are appropriate now-a-days just to have a decent damage character? How has training chan

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