

Stoner Sloth


You're worse on weed guys.

December 18, 2015

4 Comments • Newest first


As an ex-stoner this is on par with the movie reefer madness in terms of false propaganda. Just like with alcohol, smoke responsibly. You won't take 5 shots then go take your final exam would you? Wouldn't expect to get a good grade if you do. I also think it should be 18+ or even 21+. You're not "sloth slow" when high, as this video would suggest. You don't drink and drive, don't smoke and drive (Though I am guilty of doing this a few times, worst thing you do is go under the speed limit) As with alcohol, drink responsibly, use in moderation. When stoned off my ass, the only thing I'm in danger of doing is eating everything in the fridge. Cannabis has many healing properties too, theres no addiction. (Smoked for 3 years straight, never going more then 4 days without smoking, then was able to quit cold turkey, nothing bad will happen) been sober for a year now. I would suggest looking into these "facts" yourself instead of just believe everything your told. Educate yourself. Look at who does studies and where they get their funding.

Reply December 19, 2015

@sirkibblex2: Anytime is alcohol time tho <3 jk I'm not an alcoholic haha

@lukiie: Lol what? Does it not work? @.@ I was trying to do it this way and as long as the page fully loads it works for me. :x

Reply December 19, 2015

lol, basil's so broken, the video is embedded. let the inappropriateness begin

Reply December 19, 2015 - edited

Reply December 18, 2015 - edited