

Afa rate could be related to latency?

I watched @cb000's [url=]dojo video[/url]. Besides of the impressive time, his final attack seems to activate A LOT more than it activates for myself and other heroes I know.
He gained two seconds for every new floor, while other people I know get 2-5 seconds per floor, so maybe final attack activation rate has anything to do with latency?

I remember @dwagonslay said AFA activates fine for her as well, I'd appreciate if you can comment here as well

August 26, 2015

5 Comments • Newest first


well.. i'm jelly of that time :C

Reply August 27, 2015

One thing I noticed was that when I did the old dojo, low AFA activation rates seemed to correlate with bad response time from Nexon's servers (door lag and spawn lag). The Reboot patch's description of the final attack issue says it occurs when it activates too many times in a short period, leading me to think that it may have to do with the responsiveness of the server. If AFA procs several times before the server can register the first AFA, then it might get confused and cancel the whole thing, or register the whole thing just once.

Reply August 26, 2015

Which VPN do you use @dwagonslay?

OT: You're probably correct, my latency/ping is bad enough that I am almost half a second behind most players I encounter and afa hardly procs for me (~5-9%?)

Reply August 26, 2015 - edited

As it is, my AFA works just fine, but I honestly don't know why that's the case, nor why it isn't for some other Heroes o.o
This means that it activates at the intended proc rate of 70% (10% from Hyper Reinforce), and activates on all mobs and bosses provided they don't use a physical vertical increase ability such as what you see at Empress, Hilla, Magnus, Lilynouch and Alistar, or even Gollux's Eyes (in which all listed cases, you can jump-attack to make AFA activate).
Looking at some of @cb000's videos, it seems that his AFA activates often, however it sometimes doesn't occur consistently where it should.
Knowing that he lives much, much closer to the servers than I do (I'm from Australia ), perhaps the issue isn't caused by latency at all.
I've used a VPN a few times before* to test this out, and it seems, with heavily reduced ping and latency, that:
- the delay of the registration of damage dealt to mobs/bosses was practically nothing
- there was almost no portal lag at all
- AFA's activation rate was still fine, but it didn't occur consistently where it should, in a similar manner to @cb000.
In the end, all of this is just some of my observations and testing, but again I honestly have no idea of the issue's cause, so I'm about as confused as everyone else
The good news is, the issue has been acknowledged a few months ago (about time) and is fixed as of the [url=]KMS v1.2.238 - Reboot: Character Rebalancing[/url] patch, and that's also the one where Heroes receive a revamp!
We can expect that in GMS near the end of this year, can't wait!

EDIT: *Yes, I am aware that using a VPN is an offence as part of the Terms of Use, but after reading over the Terms of Use thoroughly before I signed up my account, I've been with fine with accepting whatever happens to my account in the event Nexon chases me up for anything.
That's not to say that I've ever engaged in any other activity, apart from a VPN, that is against the Terms of Use, nor do I condone such activities.
@generalstore: I set up my own one.

Reply August 26, 2015 - edited