
Best way to get RP and cubes in game?

So I used to boss a lot mainly for cubes, but even doing most dailies (Zak, Hilla, HT, RA, Krexel) it seems really hard to get cubes from them. I do get some RP but even after a week it seems like it's not enough to get cubes. I'll continue to do this, but the thing is I'm a little stuck on farming for Elites, cos it does seem to be a far more reliable way and there's no "limit" to how many I spawn, as long as I spend enough time in game.

However, soon my schedule's going to get pretty tied up and I won't be able to farm for Elites as much as I could over break and I'm wondering what you guys are doing to fund yourself in game, if you had to pick only one method to fund yourself. Also, are there any other ways to fund yourself that you guys have used before and have found to be a reliable source of Meso or Pot Scrolls/Cubes?

I'm going to be starting my Gollux quests soon for RP as well as coins and whatnot but I heard after the past few updates you can't get in? Should I even try for it anymore?

January 1, 2017

22 Comments • Newest first


@emtine i'm not trolling, i've done it severy times when i really needed RP

Reply January 4, 2017 - edited

@trojanmagnum: are you forreal or trolling? wth thats pretty gud if ur not trolling

Reply January 4, 2017 - edited

@ecarina it's actually pretty easy to work with :] I do enjoy its simplicity. I'm just hoping when it comes to mobbing at Arcane River I'll have enough attack speed to mow down mobs quickly, seeing as I don't think I can one shot it fast enough.

@vicetone joined the club a long time ago. kind of wondering when i'll be getting any useful perks out of it lol

Reply January 4, 2017 - edited

Join team credit card.

Reply January 2, 2017 - edited

@hangwithhung: +1 atk speed is one of the hardest inners to get and I was only able to get it thanks to the Maplehood Watch miracle circs. You may or may not get it but you can at least try, but be warned that it can take a very long time to get it.

Cannoneers are pretty good at bossing once you get the movement down. Monkey Push pushes you very far and while Blast Back and Cannon Jump can help you control it, going further or stopping slightly sooner when necessary, it can take a while to get the hang of. Compared to classes like mages it can be hard to get out of the way of attacks like chaos vellum's tails, but we have an easier time with bosses like chaos von bon (as long as you can actually see him, tiny little jerk), since cannon jump is slightly quicker to use after attacking than just a regular jump.
More recently, the 5th job skill is extremely helpful with these bosses since I can fire it off and focus on dodging. The frequency with which we're able to use it, high damage, and the fact that we don't need to pay close attention to it are really helpful. Also loaded die is a great general pirate skill, since it basically means that we can consistently get an extra 30% exp while training and an extra 20% damage when bossing.

Reply January 2, 2017 - edited

@ecarina how hard/easy was it to roll for a +1 attack speed IA? I'm kind of looking forward to the 5th job Speed Infusion skill tho lol.

ah okay. interesting, because I was kind of picking classes based on how easy/hard it would be to take down end-game bosses to get items to fund, etc. Cannons at the moment are a breeze for me cos it doesn't take long to spawn an Elite mob at all. Was kind of leaning toward NLs to get the job done but with my level of funding, the flying stars just agro mobs that'll status me, instead of actually taking them down and getting the kill count to help me spawn the elite bosses. How do mobs in future maps appear for the straight-line attacking Cannoner?

Reply January 2, 2017 - edited

@hangwithhung: That works for Hard mode Gollux, since all you have to worry about is his breath since you can kill the shoulders and prevent his hand attack from 1hkoing you. Hellux is fought when you don't kill any body parts which means he can use all of his attacks, including both of his hands. As a result, there are no safe spaces like there are for the other modes.

As for the slow attacks, that's definitely an issue but the Play V Rewards event that's going on right now and is going to get a second season soon gives Miracle Circulators, so you can use those to try and get the +1 atk speed inner ability. Decent Speed Infusion, which you can get easily from 5th job or can get on Legendary tier level 120+ gloves, helps a lot too.

Reply January 2, 2017 - edited

@xylyls hm interesting. well it's happened more than once so I guess I'll just farm them myself. Found a few pretty cool methods other Maplers use to farm for them.

@ecarina omg monster collection looks like it'll be really fun to do. for Golluxing the one thing that'll kill me is how slow it takes for Cannons to attack. On another note, I have seen a Cannon do gollux before in some video and he did just cannon jump upward, but my question is why that is necessary to begin with. I thought that Cannons had longer ranges for attacks than did NLs and afaik NLs could just stand and spam Quad Throw without fear of being hit? Or maybe it's just that in this case people are talking about the case where they take out one shoulder...

Reply January 2, 2017 - edited

@hangwithhung: Monster Collection should be on your keyboard settings, I don't know if it has a default or not. The spieglemann mission just gives you a monkey box chair when you get to 77 monsters.

Cannoneers are pretty great at Gollux. Monkey Militia is great at dealing with the monsters, though it's not quite as good as the NL skill since you do have to go and set it. Also Monkey Fury is generally good at dealing with the monsters on the other side but it bounces so in my experience it doesn't ALWAYS work. The 5th job skill is nice too. Also when doing Hellux we just have to press 1 button to dodge the hands since Cannon Jump shoots us high enough, so we don't have to jump around like most other classes, we just have to stand in one place and Cannon Jump when necessary.

Reply January 2, 2017 - edited

@xylyls I'm beginning to think it may have been a botter lol. it wasn't in a map people ever really train in haha. or maybe the Elite Boss notification just lasts longer than the boss does?

Reply January 2, 2017 - edited

@hangwithhung: That is weird, I'm not sure. Might have been a glitch. I have never encountered that myself but the message only pops up in the same channel. Maybe someone killed it just as you arrived at the map. A botter could have killed it and instantly changed channels when you arrived.

Reply January 2, 2017 - edited

e@xylyls: oh yeah i have a question about that. a bit tangential but I've noticed how sometimes if I surf around channels I'll see a "Elite Boss has spawned at [insert location]". I was on a temp hyper tele thru the Rewards Shop yesterday and tele'd to the location. The icon on the world map was still active and blinking, but when I got there, there was no Elite boss to speak of. I checked all the other channels and every time I CC'd, I'd see the icon in the same map I was on, and still the boss was nowhere to be seen. Any idea what that's all about?

Reply January 2, 2017 - edited

@hangwithhung: if you have a hyper rock hunting elites is by far more efficient.

Reply January 2, 2017 - edited

@trojanmagnum nice name lol. oh that is actually really interesting... I've never thought about doing that lol

Reply January 2, 2017 - edited

The best way is doing daily boss BUT in multiple servers, form example if you main server is Bera in one day you can farm 600RP or more IDK, then when you finished there, do bossing in Reebot, same bosses and you can get the double RP in one day n_n

Try it (;

Reply January 2, 2017 - edited

@xylyls (and anyone else who wants to jump in) I'm wondering whether bossing or hunting for Elites yields the best return for mesars. Any opinion?

Reply January 1, 2017 - edited

@hangwithhung: the first season of it is ending in like 2 days but they have another one rolling out this next week so just by doing those will get you 500 RP a day! And the in-game rewards are really nice, such as masters cubes, smegas and miracle circulators.

Reply January 1, 2017 - edited

@ecarina I see the "Monster Collection" thing and it seems to be something Spiegleman gives. How exactly does it work? Also, since you're a Cannoneer, how do they fare at Gollux? I'm thinking I might only be able to do regular/easy on my characters but I want to pick one that doesn't have to worry too much about death. I always hear NLs have a super easy time cos they don't have to worry about spawns but I was wondering whether Cannoneers have an edge over other classes, too.

@pinyin shoot, I thought I could do it endlessly haha.

@xylyls ah, I always forget about those. Should probably start up on it lol

Reply January 1, 2017 - edited

i've been doing those Play V rewards things for the 4 boxes daily. That gives you 500 RP alone per day and then I do my daily bosses for another 4-500 points.

Reply January 1, 2017 - edited

Elite boxes have a daily limit
Do monster exploration for extra rp

Reply January 1, 2017 - edited

Monster Collection is a good way to supplement your bossing. As long as you finish a line of monsters you can use the Exploration tab to send them out and after a certain amount of time they come back with a box that has rewards points, a few trait things, and possibly another item in there. It's nice because you don't have to actually do anything for it, you can afk or even log off.

Otherwise sudden missions, particularly the easy ones like finding a burning field or activating a rune, will occasionally give rewards points or cubes.

Also Gollux got fixed like 2 weeks ago.

Reply January 1, 2017 - edited