

General Mercedes

Not enough Sp So I logged on to my level 105 merc (as he would be 4th job after the patch) to use his SP and check out his new skills. I started using my SP and figured I had enough SP to fill everything until I noticed it was one under. I thought "oh, I'll just leave one out of my main skill since(Stunning Strikes) I'll be using 4th Job's main skill Ishtar's Ring. So I left one out of stunning strikes and went over to 4th job to add points to those skills when I saw that Ishtar's Ring requires 20 in Stunning strikes! I can't add any more to it because the SP is separated between job advancements. What am I supposed to do now...?


Proof that Nexon still cares When PVP first came out about a month ago, everyone was excited, then about a week after that, everyone started complaining. Personally I thought the new PVP system was amazing, sure it had some flaws and they needed to balance it out, but I still thought it was really fun. Then a few days ago, Nexon introduced the NEW PVP system, where it takes about 2hits to kill someone, so essentially it's whomever has the fastest attack is going to win. Now I dislike PVP, but you can't entirely blame Nexon, after all we(we being the maplestory community) complained about all the issues. I will admit that Nexon went a little overboard when changing PVP, but they did listen to the community and they changed it. So, unless you