

hirrho #Updates Talk

General Updates

Big Bang sales As many of you know Big Ban is right around the corner! With the increase in the drop rate, it will be alot easier to gain items. There fore items will lose value. I'm not sure by how much, that would just be impossible to predict. I do recommend selling your higher priced items asap before the value goes down. Don't believe me? Visit any kms forum and look around till you find something involving the items selling list and how much there worth. It may be a different economy but Z-helms are worth 30m and lower....much much much lower. Pre-big bang they were worth more in KMS. Stellys are only 500k a piece. :3 I funded my NW quite easily thanks to this. That's because the drop rate is higher and there are much more monsters th

General Updates

Is maplestory down 6/30/11 3:50P.M. PST. I meant to add that to the tittle. Title.^ I can't log on. The site appears to show the game running. I click start, it loads a little, I get a pop window that says I can't access the game, check online for details? Yes, or no. Edit: I've started the game and made it to world select. I can't access Scania which is the first world I click. Than it froze and closed. Please, let me know if you have had similar difficulties. Thanks. skullatore1996 tells you EVERYTHING This guy was absolutely right. If you have any questions go to that thread. They have a lot of answers and are quite helpful.

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