
Gollux Disconnections

I just got d/ced two times inside Gollux before even entering into the head. What's happening?
Now I have no keys left for today. Q-Q

December 15, 2015

8 Comments • Newest first


I just managed to finished hard. Did not want to do hell cause i was afraid of d/cing.

Reply December 16, 2015

LF> Nexon to fix

makes me sad that I try to help people with Hellux and they dc mid run
Only glitch I've experienced were the disappearing platforms. Have yet to dc so far.... so far...

Reply December 15, 2015

dis mother of a tree d/c me 3 tim and nexon never fix, snap crackle pop nixon

Reply December 15, 2015

@grim: B-But my beginner though

Reply December 15, 2015

@valykire: go slower....and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work go slower than that...and if that doesn't work then rage quit.

Reply December 15, 2015

@grim: I just d/c three times in a row in the leg. On my beginner of all things. I only want willpower...

Reply December 15, 2015

If you have a dash skill don't use it. Probably like 50% of the time I use tornado spin inside any Gollux map besides the head I disconnect and when I am killing the head that jumps up to like 95%. So yeah just go slow and you shouldn't d/c.

Reply December 15, 2015

gollux is glitched af right now

Reply December 15, 2015