

Send me your voice in audio files

Well me and my young band mates have decided on our course of action and theme for our next album. The Theme is Sexyness, the ocean and gorgons.

Each and every song is going to have a interlude in between each song, there is going to be a lot of them, in each interlude we're trying to get a big diversity of spoken word files. I can't stress enough that they should be very weird, you should say very strange things, you can say anything you want, try to make it as weird as possible, as sexy as possible, any combination, just send me whatever but I mean if you stray away from the vague outlines I've just said for you, then we won't use it, PM me if you want. thanks. is a great way to transfer files, make them mp3. skype is another great way.

August 6, 2012

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