

General Nightlord

What to upgrade? Nl So I've reached the point where I have no idea where I should allocate my mesos towards, I've been back for 2 months starting fresh and I don't have much about 25bil left and here is what I have so far: faf claw: (dropped an epic pot scroll and used 2 cubes and it turned unique ^_^) emp gloves: the rest include maxed evo ring 1,2,3, ra hat epic 6% luk, ra top and pants (crappy epic pot), tyrant cape (crap epic pot as well) and ghost ship badge. All my items are clean at the moment and I've been debating on whether I should just be better off buying 15%+ luk ra gear or cube the ones I have myself. I'm looking to increase my range and I only have roughly ~100k range, any help is appreciated! add me in game as well :D edit: