


Alternate Ways to Make Money im bored, so I decided to share how I became a billionaire ;) 1. Fuse shoes -Get an account with lvl 2+ alchemy, buy red or blue sneakers and fuse. If you get 6% (not that rare), you've made 50m+. any 2L unique, would get you 200m+ and 3L unique 350m+ -made over 200m* 2. Half earrings -train jewelry crafting til lv.3 and start making half earrings. buy bronze plates with the shoe money for 200k ea and inter crystals for 50k ea. apron 700k per earring and 1/5 are potentialed (or something like that) reveal those, and if they're not over 6%, go fuse them. I find atleast 1 epic a day. 6%s are 50-110m depending on which stat. 9%s are 400m. 2L unique are 500m and 3L unique are 850m+ -made over 700m 3. Stirge pants -

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