Is League of Legends fun?

I'm bored and I wanted to play a game on my computer. League of Legends came into mind, but I just wanted to know if it was worth the download and setup first.

January 1, 2012

24 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Alectric]ah yes but that's where I come in handy as soraka. They don't have a support but since we do
our rate of survival is a bit higher, especially with my wish .

and also silence is the business when it comes to killing ap champs ;D[/quote]

yes omg
i love reading their rageposts

MadAhri (12:39AM) : * SORAKA IM GNONA * U ***|

@Hiraku: are you serious

next to lb ap soraka looks like a joke

and only high elo players risk going ap soraka

it looks like she was building rylais anyway so what does it matter; the other team will still do damage and soraka needs to support the team

conclusion: it's level 15's

nothing matters

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

[url=] you tell me XD[/url]
unfortunately I can't play ranked as I am only lvl 15 ;C[/quote]

Honest feed back.

You should have went AP and gotten mobility boots, so your heals heal and you're never mia. Both AD carries are feeding, tanky DPS's are hard tanking, and support has no one to support. LB got Void when they're not stacking MR, TF used all his money on Gun Blade 1st item, and Teemo got PD when he has no damage or AP.

One sided game.

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=Keey]@Alectric: daaaamn that's pretty good for level 15's ( i didn't even know they were skilled enough to have a support there; usually level 10~20's consist of 5 ad instalocked ranged )

@iSmelyalata: LETS PLAY A GAME[/quote]

ah yes but that's where I come in handy as soraka. They don't have a support but since we do
our rate of survival is a bit higher, especially with my wish .

and also silence is the business when it comes to killing ap champs ;D

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

@Alectric: daaaamn that's pretty good for level 15's ( i didn't even know they were skilled enough to have a support there; usually level 10~20's consist of 5 ad instalocked ranged )

@iSmelyalata: LETS PLAY A GAME

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

[url=] you tell me XD[/url]
unfortunately I can't play ranked as I am only lvl 15 ;C

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

@Alectric: I had a game where some one fed vayne 10 kills, while taking the last hit on my kills 4 times so they were worth gold EVERY single time. Then vayne ended up rolling our entire team and we lost.

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=Alectric]@iSmelyalata: I just prefer support really. I don't like carrying because I'm not very good at it
and I need to practice more.

I just would rather play support knowing I'll be good than gambling with an ad/ap carry not
knowing whether I'll wreck or just suck xD[/quote]

are you a good support
because i need one for duo-ranked

cannot trust the people i soloqueue with with the awesome job of supporting

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

it's fun only if you win (for me at least)

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

@iSmelyalata: I just prefer support really. I don't like carrying because I'm not very good at it
and I need to practice more.

I just would rather play support knowing I'll be good than gambling with an ad/ap carry not
knowing whether I'll wreck or just suck xD

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

Think of it like trying to pick up Starcraft.[/quote]
Relatively easy?

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=Myterac]It's a really fun when you learn to play it. If you need or want some help/tips/advice, pm me.

Are you lvl 30 because I'm looking for some people to play with. Unless you're terribad [/quote]

Only level 15 since I don't get to play everyday.

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

League is not one of those pick up and play games like Call of Duty.

It's really only worth it if you have friends and you want to take the time to learn the meta game.
Think of it like trying to pick up Starcraft.

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

How am I hindering myself?
I have no idea how you can conceive the thought that because I'm complaining IN MY HEAD
about another player that I'm hindering my own game play?

how does that even work. how am I "hurting myself"? Honestly, I don't care.
And it's a rare occasion that my thoughts even go past "wow he's bad"

Maybe it hinders your game play but it doesn't hinder mine. I still play as I normally would.
I'm not a scrub that QQs about her team mates and then plays like crap because
the other person is playing like crap as well..

Also, you do realize that's not actually what I was thinking. I was obviously over exaggerating but
I see that it kind of went over your head.

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

i get really mad sometimes in that game

i don't like

1) noobs who attack the tank and ignore the rest because the tank has half hp, which is basically the hp of other champions

2) noobs in general

3) ad ranged who can't cs ( i usually support, because i don't trust other people to; god knows how many games i've played with no wards or healing )

4) noobs

5) people whom i can't communicate with (brazilians, mexicans)

6) bad people

7) feeders

8) trolls

9) people who shout at other people constantly for sucking, which in the end makes everyone mad and causes us to lose

idc about winning or losing, but if the above is there, then i will get so mad

for the luls, here is my ap yi

edit: if you're good (1400~1500 elo) duo queue with me and i will love you

username: nismohsis

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

It's pretty fun. Started it like 2 months ago and its boring at times since I don't have alot of people to play with D:.

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

@roflwaflz: I would never rage in game like that. I keep my thoughts
to myself and do the best I can to help my carry. It's just frustrating to me (as a support)
that I can only do as well as my carry. So if the carry is bad then so am I.
I can't solo bot soraka. That's retarded.

It's simply annoying that I am trying to enjoy a game I like to play.
And it annoys me that I honestly could enjoy the game whether we win or lose,
but the fact that someone is dragging the whole team down and hampers our
chance of winning does make me mad.

It makes me mad that people who are just trolls or feeders are constantly dragging
down other people who are actually trying to play the game.

So I'm not allowed to be mad that my game play is hindered by another persons
stupidity? That seems a little unfair.

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

it's free, so why not try it yourself?

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

It depends. If you get fed then its pretty fun to slaughter all those around you, but the opposite could happen too, you feed so much that the other team slaughters you.

EDIT: Also if you really are Korean then you should be able to play Shaco.

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

I got stuck with a horrible voli and I was like DO YOU KNOW HOW TO FEED YOU DUMB FAT BEAR

it was truly bad..

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=Alectric]if you have friends that play, yes.
if you rely on soloqueue, you'll probably have an aneurysm.[/quote]
This x 200. Soloqueue you get "heros" that think they are "god" and can take out their whole team then all they do is attack the tank

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

It's fun, but there's also many people who take the game way too seriously, even at the lower levels. If you've never played a MOBA game before, expect to get raged at. The game does have an ignore function however, so it won't bother you if you don't let it.

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

it's fun when you have a lot of friends that play it

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

if you have friends that play, yes.
if you rely on soloqueue, you'll probably have an aneurysm.

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited

If you're into stuff like that. Do you know about the game and what you do? It's better with friends btw.

Reply January 1, 2012 - edited