
Easiest Class for Unfunded to Gollux norm/hard

I am planning on making a bunch of gollux mules on my account to do more gollux runs and to be able to sell the gollux rings from each character. What are the top 5 classes to gollux with assuming I do not want to pour in much funding and I also want to have an easy time doing it (like how nw can just use bats to clear mobs).

January 17, 2017

14 Comments • Newest first


@sweetbanana @stevenman76: its fine haha I am a DB main so I am used to that sort of dodging. What range would say I would need to hardlux? I was also thinking about doing DA due to how powerful they are unfunded, but I heard they scale terribly lategame according to my DA friend who has 500k hp (and some of my gollux mules I may want to main to do endgame bosses)

Reply January 18, 2017 - edited

@ecarina: on explorer mages people generally prefer to use the vip magician shield due to it not being locked only to a certain class

Reply January 18, 2017 - edited

DA is a great option. You can hit the jaw out of its range, they get free pdr from attacks, fund very easily, get a ton of %hp from their skills, and have a way to kill the rocks that spawn on both sides(nether shield).

All you have to do is kill the shoulder in the top right of the map.

Reply January 18, 2017 - edited

@ecarina: It's actually +100 extra teleport distance, which gives them a total teleport range of 290 horizontal and 395 vertical.

As far as I/L fare against Gollux:
- You cannot camp at the side, unlike a few classes, as Chain Lightning range is too short so you'll be forced to get close and dodge his attacks
- However, it can be used for eliminating mobs at 3rd phase by alternating sides every time it bounces to a mob

Although they may be the earliest Gollux soloers(if you know what you are doing, due to Infinity), they are not completely easy as you do have to move around a little.

Reply January 18, 2017 - edited


Bring a friend if you pick BaM.

Reply January 18, 2017 - edited

@beefly: is bam pretty good at gollux? i like their playstyle and might try that out

Reply January 18, 2017 - edited

@ieatrice08: atm i just have like 170k range, i can only dream of doing hellux atm.

Reply January 17, 2017 - edited


*holds laughter*

Reply January 17, 2017 - edited

@gekkegerrit: do you have to actually juggle b/t light mode and dark mode to do hardlux or can you just spam reflection. Im not looking for the "optimal" DPM combo I just want to know if it is doable with just reflection haha

Reply January 17, 2017 - edited

Actually i am starting the Gollux prequest with my 170 Lumi in Reboot just now. I am still very happy with him

Reply January 17, 2017 - edited

@ecarina: hm okay thanks for feedbacks but yeah along with i/l mage, I will definitely try all the classes you mentioned above

Reply January 17, 2017 - edited

@ieatrice08: I'm not personally a fan of i/L, it's hard to tell how far chain lightning goes and it doesn't seem to chain very well. That being said, they have the best teleport of any mage, with the hyper skill being able to add 50 range and it being usable in the air. Funding shouldn't be too bad as far as I know since they don't have any unique equips other than the secondary. That helps with finding stuff at least, I don't know about price, funding isn't really my strong suit.
Since Lumi was nerfed, i/L could probably make a good replacement. I certainly didn't like mine enough to do Gollux preqs on it though.

Reply January 17, 2017 - edited

@ecarina: what is your opinion on i/l mage vs lumi in terms of ease of funding and ease of actually doing it

Reply January 17, 2017 - edited

Definitely ranged classes then since you can just kill a shoulder and then stand off to the side and wail away til his health is down.
So in that case, the easiest would probably be:
Wind Archer

Reply January 17, 2017 - edited