

What skills are most important for Mercedes?

I recently made a mercedes, and am overwhelmed by the number of skills they have. I use ishtars ring to mob, attack, and boss. Obviously, this is not the best way to play merccedes. Please tell me how you guys play mercedes, and a possible keyboard layout. The keyboard layouts I've seen so far use most skills on qwerasdfzxcv, and i use those buttons a lot... THanks!

July 8, 2016

5 Comments • Newest first


Being an old screenshot, I didn't have nimble flight on here, but I would probably put it on "Q" or "Z"

I would first start rearranging your skills in a somewhat reasonable fashion, such as keeping your rush combos together for obvious reasons. You should have a layout that's most comfortable for you.

Reply July 11, 2016

For a class like Mercedes, I think it's important to make a favourite combination and keep them in the same row or column, or at least relatively close to each other. It makes your life easier on the long run.

Not sure if it helps but my keys look like this:

Reply July 9, 2016

For mobbing, i Lightning Edge+Leaf Tornado to travel faster through horizontal maps and right after, i combo with unicorn/spikes/wrath of enreal (or just put them all into one combo). To move up a platform while attacking mobs, I use down+rising rush (to cancel the drive/knockback from rising rush) and combo aerial barrage+rolling moonsault. If the platform is too high, right after moonsault, i add in leaf tornado and spikes for an extra boost.
Using Ishtar's for mobbing is a waste when you could be comboing your other skills to kill more than one mob faster.

For bossing i would recommend using Ishtar's while comboing in unicorn+enreal, unicorn+spikes, spikes+enreal, or all three together. I'll also use lightning edge+leaf tornado to dodge or move closer while attacking.
Using unicorn, spikes, and lightning edge in both mobbing and bossing is very useful because they add debuffs that increase the damage you do on bosses/mobs. Comboing also increase your ignis roar count which is good too.

Reply July 9, 2016

For mobbing, I generally use Lightning Edge + Leap Tornado Cancel for flat map sections.
I do mix in Rush/Arial barrage/Moonsault for vertical climbs, but we have our new blue dash for that as well.

For bossing, I focus attacking with Ishtar's.
I combo Unicorns/Enlil? Enreal?(Hyper)/Spikes in that order to maintain the Ignis 10 stacks. The CDs are low enough to reset before the stacks expire, plus you get 2/3 of the debuffs applied in a short burst. Throw in a Lightning Edge Jump for a small extra bit as well.

I play with a controller and have keys on crap like F12, so I can't say much about keyboard layouts...
I have no idea how it's possible to play Mercedes on a keyboard. If you're interested on playing Merc with a PS2 controller +XPadder however, I'll be here for you... lol

Reply July 9, 2016

I use ishtar's ring mainly for bossing. For mobbing stunning strikes and leaf tornado is much more efficient. Mercedes is a combo class and so the best way is to find what linked skills you like and find the most comfortable way to execute them on your keyboard. I use rising rush, leaf tornado, lightning rush, spikes royale, unicorn dash?, gust dive, and our hyper. The more you link the skills, the shorter the cooldowns for our stronger skills.

Reply July 8, 2016