ihatecatsongs #Paladin Talk

General Paladin

Is basils skills right? Is their skill progresion for charged blow right? If it isn't please post the actually dmg of charge blow at max level below please...If it isn't then why is charged blow a huge priority if 360x4=1440 but for slash blast 250x6=1500 so isn't slash blast better especially at places like mp3 where there are almost always 6 or more monsters? ~note to people out there...I know you max charge for acb but if slash is better wouldn't dual charge and other skills be higher priority?~

General Paladin

I'm making a paladin(NOT A WAGONER) I want to make a paladin...The reason I didn't before is because CB and ACB took away your charge so you were stuck with slash forever. I was wondering Which double charges to use? I understand to use one the monster is weak to but then for second charge do I always use lightning?(heard it adds dmg no matter what)f Or are there instances where others are best? Also I have no funding and usually play yellonde home of no one ever PQ's yet all the maps are still taken by jerks or haxors... Wondering if I should join another world if so why that one?