

P/c on Premium Nx?

P/C on Princess of Time cape, hat, and shoe. I would like to know how much they go for, and if not in Bera, the price in your world would be nice as well. I currently have the cape up for 600mil, the hat 300mil, and the shoe 200mil.
Also P/C on Winged Cap and Star Checkered Cap. Currently selling both for 150mil.

Thanks in advance.

May 30, 2015

1 Comment • Newest first


Just a tip, it really doesn't take that long or that much effort to find out this information for yourself...and learning that technique will benefit you in far more ways than just the sort of price you sell something for and how up to date that is(often times the day to day price for something isn't even representative of its value averaged over's just the value averaged between the people with the least amount of patience and once they all close their shops or undersell their items it'll rebound back to where it should be roughly.

Choose a few things you have some sort of interest in, go to channel 1 and switch between every fm room and quickly skim through each store...doesn't even have to be every store, just pick the ones that mention perma nx or some similarity in the title, and just keep a mental note over a few days. It's really not as difficult as you think it is and it's well worth learning how to do it for yourself. You'd be shocked how often people seriously underprice something because of lack of knowledge or lack of patience...and you'll be merching yourself a serious profit in no time with next to no intended effort. So often I'm just clicking around out of boredom and just happen to catch a cheap deal out of the corner of my eye...and later make a good profit off it. And that literally takes no effort on my part...just a bit of memory from day to day.

Reply May 30, 2015 - edited