

Starting a Bishop, LFgt Advice

So im looking for advice on Bishops, Just started remaking my old one and was wondering:
-What types of equips should i be looking for
-What types of pots
-Desirable Weps?
-are Bishops Costly?
-Can i make a decent Bishop with about 900m?
- What should i merch/have as far as mesos for a good bishop
EDIT: Thread title got screwed up, sorry xO

November 24, 2011

5 Comments • Newest first


thanks guys xO

Reply November 26, 2011

Welcome back to bishop

Reply November 26, 2011

EQUIPS: Really any sort of timeless, reverse, von leon, or bloody should be perfectly fine. If you can get your hands on some VIP stuff aswell thats an extra bonus. Also things like flamekeeper cordons, purple adventurer capes, and other such things are also perfectly fine equipment.
POTS: I would say mana elixirs (300 mp) to sorcerer elixirs (1500 or 1800 mp, can't remember) to mana bulls (60% mp) is perfect. I've been using power elixirs because of all the events, and ginger ales are great too but because we have heal pots that also heal hp aren't necessarily better. I guess ginger ales (75%hp and mp) are a larger amount of mp restoration though.
DESIRABLE WEAPONS: Depends on luk, but aeas hands, enreal tears, bloody versions of the aforementioned, alma von leon staves/wands, and VIP staves/wands are all great.
BISHOPS COST: Bishops aren't costly potion wise, but funding us can take quite a lot of money.
900M?: Yeah, that's enough to make a more than decent bishop. It takes more money to create the perfect bishop, but 900 mil is probably enough to make an average one.
Like the above poster, I can't merch, but you should merch whatever you can to make money, just like every other class.
Good luck, I hope you consider joining our bishop community!

Reply November 25, 2011

Welcome back! (:

[b]What types of equips:[/b]
It definitely does depend on your luk input, as @above: mentioned. Most equips/armor work fine and it depends on a variety of things like how much your scrolled it or its potentials. For weapons, if you're going lukless, try looking for VIP weapons. Otherwise, most bishops I know stick with Reverse/Timeless wands and staffs as their end-game.

[b]Types of pots:[/b]
Depends what level you are. Once you start reaching high mp levels, start using ginger ales (heals 75% hp & mp, can be found in NLC for about 3.8k I believe) or any power elixirs/elixirs you receive in PQ's or boss runs.

[b]Desirable weapons:[/b]
As mentioned above, it depends on your luk & funding.

[b]Are bishops costly:[/b]
This depends on what type of bishop you would like to be. If you want to fund yourself and be more of an attacker bishop, yes. Funding any job very well would be costly. However, otherwise we should be on the more cheaper end in comparison to many other jobs out there. (:

[b]Can I create a decent bishop with 900m?[/b]
Yes, I believe you can create a fairly decent bishop with 900m (:

I kinda suck with merching. LOL
Good luck with your bishop! (:

Reply November 25, 2011

1.) equips would differ depending on your LUK input
2.) start out with mana elixirs, move on to sorcerers elixir, when your mana hits above 4000~5000, switch to mana bulls
3.)weapon would also depend on your LUK input
4.) depends on how much you want to put into it, and how much damage you wanna see it hit xD
5.) probably
6.) a better mercher than me could probably tell you more

Reply November 24, 2011