General Art

Another free doodle thread for them night owls or those in a different timezone c: Ahh I'm kinda nervous about making a new thread since my last one in 2011 [url=]had been full of embarrassing results...[/url] OTL. Now that I've [url=]improved[/url] a bit, I will gladly draw any avatar that's: interesting, not covered by their huge weapon (feel free to post an ss), and not wearing those free permanent nx clothes given away last summer So far: [url=]LitheMovement[/url] [url=]Collee[/url] [url=]iNeglect[/url] [url=

General Art

Free sketch of your maple character Like the title says, I'll do a free sketch of your maple character ^o^ . I'm only human though :~( so I'll draw the first 10 people. If I have time I'll add more :) So hmm, rules 1) You must be patient. Sometimes I take forever, and sometimes I'm just too lazy or take a break from drawing (by mapling ^o^) ...That's basically it lols I might draw full body, half body, etc depending I'd post up samples if I could :~( but because "Only users that have been on the site for a bit of time can post url's" I can't OTL ... [b]Edit[/b]: LingChi suggested I should post stuff up on my deviantart ^^'' . So if anybody is intrested seeing the sketches, my username for deviantart is [b]Ishimaru-chan[/b]. They'l