
Pdr Stack Question

So, since the new UI gave the multiplicative calculations of PDR, I've been trying to find out how exactly certain things stack together. I've tried multiple variations in calculation and I've managed to get quite close to what's listed on my stats. However, I've been a few %'s off, so I'd like to know if anyone knows the answers to some questions:

1) How does the RA set work?
For example, my bow has two pot lines of 30% and 15% ignore def. I've heard these combine to be one 45% source. However, as a fafnir bow, it has the 10% PDR built into the weapon. Does my bow become a 55% source of PDR, does it stack with the other parts of the RA set (5%, 5%, and 10%) to form a single 20% source, or do they each separately get calculated as (1-0.1)(1-0.1)(1-0.05)(1-0.05)?

2) Link skills?
A Lumi link skill provides 10% PDR and a level 5 Zero link skill provides 5% PDR. Is this a single 15% source of a 10% and 5% source?

3) Nebs?
Does a neb that provides PDR stack with the rest of the weapon pot or does it become its own source? I.E If I bought a 15% PDR neb and put it on my bow, would that be a 60% source or a 45% and a 15% source?

Thanks for any help

April 21, 2014

6 Comments • Newest first


Ah okay, well I guess multiple people saying that one way is correct is probably a better source than my own. Guess I'm missing something somewhere o.o Thanks everyone!

Reply April 21, 2014

[quote=issacrandom]I don't think that's right, as far as how I've tried to calculate it. I mean I could be forgetting something, but adding the weapon together as a single (1-0.45) source was the closest I could get. (Still off nonethless, so missing a stack or something somewhere)[/quote]

All PDR sources are multiplied separately. The only exception would be Hyper Skills that give additional PDR to their respective skill, as those would be applied additively (e.g. Threaten would have 50% PDR, not 30% + 20%).

You might be missing set effects like Gollux, Ambition trait, Pirate deck effect, BT character card, etc.

Reply April 21, 2014

Each line stacks individually as said above. Also worth mentioning that PDR from ambition isnt accounted on the stats window so that may be the problem you are having with the result not matching.

Reply April 21, 2014

100-100*(1-eachindividuallinevalueofpdrindecimal)(1-eachindividuallinevalueofpdrindecimal)(1-eachindividuallinevalueofpdrindecimal) etc etc etc

I just tested it
100-100(1-.3)(1-.3)(1-.3)(1-.15)(1-.1)(1-.05)(1-.05)(1-.1)(1-.3)(1-.1)(1-.03)(1-.03)(1-.06) = 88.1243566381
It labels my pdr as 91% so either there is a tiny bit of base or I'm forgetting something lol
From left to right: 30 pdr from emblem, 30 from emblem, 30 from crusader codex, 15 lumi link skill, 10 RA hat, 5 RA top, 5 RA bottom, 10 zero link, 30 reinforced gollux set, 10 sweet.water claw, 3 character card s set, 3 character card s set,

Reply April 21, 2014 - edited

I don't think that's right, as far as how I've tried to calculate it. I mean I could be forgetting something, but adding the weapon together as a single (1-0.45) source was the closest I could get. (Still off nonethless, so missing a stack or something somewhere)

Reply April 21, 2014 - edited

I think each pdr is separate, meaning if you have for example, 60% pdr total on your total on your wep (i.e 30, 15, 15). It counts towards 1 - [(.7)(.85)(.85)], instead of a 60% total source.
Same goes for link skill, 15%total (10%, 5%). It'd be like 1 - [(.9)(.95)]
Every single % is separate

I think that's how it works

Reply April 21, 2014 - edited