
Have a couple of questions

1) So I know that if your min crit exceeds your max crit, your min crit becomes your max crit in the stat window instead. Now, if I continue to get more min crit, which stat does it add onto? Like if I have 120% min and 150% max crit base, and I have 40% min crit somehow, my crit stats then become 150% min crit and 160% max crit. If I then get 5% min crit more, do I end up with 155% min crit or 165% max crit?
2) How do decent skills/skill nebs work? Do you keep the buff on yourself even after you unequip the item with the skill? Or can you even keep using the skill even after you unequip the item? Or do you have to have the item equipped to both use the skill and keep the buff on yourself?

3) I've been reading occasional claims that the leafre codex set is glitched and doesn't give 30% PDR. I've tried turning it on and off, and seen my PDR stat change, so I'm inclined to believe it's not glitched. Is this just a visual glitch then and it actually doesn't give PDR, or is it just not glitched at all?

4) What exactly is the best/fastest way to get contribution for kritias invasions, and how do certain people always manage to get the last hit? It's always the same few names that get tons of contribution and get the last hit.


August 17, 2015

5 Comments • Newest first


Coco card can be gotten on NEW players that haven't done Silent Crusade yet.

Reply August 17, 2015

[quote=simroh1]1. extra min crit is always added onto min crit. [/quote]

Wrong. If your min crit exceeds your max crit, in the window your min crit becomes your max crit. If you get more min crit after this, your max crit will still go up.

2) You need to have the equip on to use the decent skill. If you unequip the decent equip, the buff will stay on. If you bind the skill to a key, unequip your equip, then open your keyboard, the skill will be removed from the keyboard. To avoid this, you can put the decent skill into a macro.

3)[quote=musaab1]Pdr is multiplicative so its not actually adding 30% to the pdr in your stat window. I think its something around 9% that is added from the leafre set but im not too sure lol.[/quote]
The amount of pdr that 30% gives you is dependent on your current pdr.
Pdr is multiplicative, so its calculated this way, with all pdr sources in decimal forms.
pdr#= a pdr source, or the pdr in your stat window
100-[100*(1-pdr1)*(1-pdr2)*(1-pdr3) etc etc]

Its a common misconception that the leafre codex doesn't give 30% pdr. Its because people don't know that pdr was changed to be multiplicative instead of additive.
Proof that its works properly:
I'm at 89% pdr without the leafre set. When I equip the leafre set, I'm at 92% pdr.
100-7.7= 92.3
Since its below .5, its rounded down to 92

@kiue The Coco card can no longer be gotten. Its still the the crusader codex, probably because its filled with bugs and problems. Honestly it should just be revamped all around.
Some lucky souls still have the Coco card from when Coco was around, but people like you and me are both out of luck

Reply August 17, 2015 - edited

4) People say just go solo if you can. Although it takes a good chunk of time, they at least know they will and always will get the last hit.

1) Min crit adds to min crit and ax crit always adds to max rcit.

3) I want to ask you how do you get Coco card... >.>

Reply August 17, 2015 - edited

Pdr is multiplicative so its not actually adding 30% to the pdr in your stat window. I think its something around 9% that is added from the leafre set but im not too sure lol.

Reply August 17, 2015 - edited

2) You can equip the item, use the skill, and take off the item. You'll still have the buff on.

Reply August 17, 2015 - edited