
Normal Magnus Attacks

The green ovals that appear above me, kill me before it shows up (?)
When watching videos i see that his rush move just knocks people back normally, but when I fight him, it mega knockbacks me and 90% of the time i fly into like 3 blue/purple meteors.

Can anyone provide some tips/info? o.o

February 12, 2014

6 Comments • Newest first


Just go to where the green animation already is because the attack itself has already been used there so it should be safe

Reply February 12, 2014

This is one of the most rage inducing things ever because there's literally nothing you can do to try to avoid it. You see him do the animation and then just have to hope and pray that it doesn't hit you. It's been like this for months now too; it's ridiculous.

Reply February 12, 2014

You fly further back if you are airborne when he hits you. Duh.

Reply February 12, 2014

Wait for him to be unglitched.
Might take years, but it'll eventually happen LOL

Reply February 12, 2014

So, basically, as someone who could probably only kill it in 15 minutes if it stayed still and I didn't have to buff every time I died... I'm screwed?

Reply February 12, 2014

I believe normal magnus is glitched right now

Reply February 12, 2014