

All Exp Bonuses I can think of. lfgt contributions

~Looking for contributions~
This is all I can think of off of the top of my head for exp, for HOH and Evo, not sure how to calculate the spawn rates exactly, but:

-Kin Ring bonus +30% max? (6 person party + individual attack)
-EXP accumulation +10% for 2 hours (counts as separate line)
-3x event EXP (counts as addition to base)
-2x buff (Everybody In)
-Extreme Gold Potion = EXP obtained +10%
-Pendant of spirit = 30% for 3 hours
-Max EXP bonus for time spent online = ?
-Bonus Party Exp of 5 people [(+50% per additional, so 250% bonus exp *
*Advanced Knight A = 104k/
*Advanced Knight B = ~108k solo/
*Advanced Knight C = ~109k solo/
*Advanced Knight D = ~117k solo/
*Advanced Knight E = ~124k solo)
* base for initial exp]

-Family Rep = ?
-Gachapon EXP Coupon Packs (Doesn't stack with 3x, 2x, 1.5 coupons, etc)
-Bonus Potential/Potential for EXP bonus with new tier = ?
-Blessed Ensemble: EXP Bonus: 20% for each Cleric in party. (80% for 4 clerics, presuming Kanna)
-Kishin Spawn= ?
-Demon Cry EXP bonus = ?
-Holy Symbol = +50%
-Maxed [Merc link (+20% lvl 3) + Zero card (+10% lvl 200) They combine on one line.]

Quest 2x card (pressuming you get an experience bonus for it at maps with party EXP bonuses)
-Pq in Evo With +20x hp Mutant Pigs, +50% char bonus with normal and unique cores for party EXP hs and kishin, 70 or 100% spawn rates, and other potions and stuff listed above.
Please feel free to add things I missed.
Did I miss anything obvious?
Help with details would be appreciated.

December 28, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


The exp bonus for having multiple priests (blessed ensamble) Doesn't go past 60%

Reply December 28, 2013

Zero character card.

Reply December 28, 2013

Night Lord's 'Showdown' skill (With hypers) gives 40% extra exp+drop I believe. It might stack with Demonslayer and what not because it just leaves a mark and then you have to kill.

Reply December 28, 2013