how to carry with adc vayne

I saw many people carry with her but im just horrible (80 cs at 20minute )

can you guys give me tips and item builds to carry my team to victory

October 5, 2014

6 Comments • Newest first


[quote=desimator546]I wouldn't play vayne in soloq. First of all, you can't really rely on your teammates to peel for you in fights, and with her short range you'll get bopped every fight, unless you have great positioning. Also, she is below average in lane compared to like a lucian or corki, and you will fall behind most of the time. It's not really worth to play her. If you like hyper carries, try tristana or twitch.[/quote]

Her range is 550 like most other adcs.

Reply October 6, 2014

I wouldn't play vayne in soloq. First of all, you can't really rely on your teammates to peel for you in fights, and with her short range you'll get bopped every fight, unless you have great positioning. Also, she is below average in lane compared to like a lucian or corki, and you will fall behind most of the time. It's not really worth to play her. If you like hyper carries, try tristana or twitch.

Reply October 6, 2014 - edited

I am a Vayne main that's high elo and basically only plays Vayne in ranked but I don't suggest playing her at all until you get better at farming and with her overall.

Practice her in normals before you bring it into ranked and practice your cs in custom games. It may seem boring to go into a custom game alone and try to improve your cs but if you really want to get better that's what you need to do, I've done it and it definitely will help you.

You have to understand that every time you pick Vayne you're putting yourself at a disadvantage almost every game because you're going to face a Lucian, Trist or Caitlyn each game. Lucian and Tristana and really meta and low skill cap though so what I like to do is ban both of them and then just dumpster the enemy adc because they're forced onto something they're unfamiliar with like Corki and Jinx which is a lot harder than Lucian and Tristana. I didn't mention Caitlyn a second time because she's not a counter in my eyes since I've played so many games against her but a reoccurring mistake Caitlyn players make is positioning near walls. Caitlyns (e) net is a projectile just like your (e) condemn so if you condemn her before she nets then her net is going to either not go off or get interrupted and not take her the entire distance it's intended to. That's how you're going to win a trade with them even if at the beginning you appear to be losing, condemn them into a wall.

I can give you a lot more tips in a pm so if you really want to get better at her just send me a message but I want to stop typing here because it would start to turn into a wall past with all the things I could say to you lol.

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

Play Lucian instead of Vayne.

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

idk, depends what elo you're in.

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

You can't carry as Vayne if your teammates can't co-op defending/peeling for you (that is to say if you're actually a threat in the game instead of being declined/valued less compared to the other laners).

only thing I can say is that Vayne req. a lot of positiong... that's like the obvious for all ADCs, and using her tumble makes her kit kiting fantastic. Try doing a lot of bot games in custom 1v3, 1v4, ... so you can practice your situation whenever there comes a time for that (req. to position yourself to go for the kill/escape). (usually when someone ganks your lane)

Edit: Final remark, her CSing is troublesome in lane and you'll need your support's presence to help you farm so that you don't get out-traded/harassed while farming.

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited