Trydamere is too op

every goddamn game I play against trydamere he always carries his damn team and our allies champion feed him

also why he uses his ult why the hell does he gain life back

October 3, 2014

11 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Sleepyx714]What makes Tryndamere a perfect match up for Garen is because Tryndamere doesn't go tank, he goes AS and Damage.

Garen has 1:1 scaling on both his Q and E, an extremely strong ultimate and the damage from sunfire cape makes Tryndamere a useless split pusher for the Might of

Demacia. Garen can 1v1 a mid laner, ADC, and top laner with this build. Trust me, don't think that this is the average Garen that goes ghost blade + infin, these Garens are

extremely useless as the game continues.

A full tank Garen is never useless.[/quote]

Garen cannot 1v1 a Trynd with items. Ever, i promise.

Reply October 3, 2014

[quote=Sleepyx714]What makes Tryndamere a perfect match up for Garen is because Tryndamere doesn't go tank, he goes AS and Damage.

Garen has 1:1 scaling on both his Q and E, an extremely strong ultimate and the damage from sunfire cape makes Tryndamere a useless split pusher for the Might of

Demacia. Garen can 1v1 a mid laner, ADC, and top laner with this build. Trust me, don't think that this is the average Garen that goes ghost blade + infin, these Garens are

extremely useless as the game continues.

A full tank Garen is never useless.[/quote]

Well you can build sunfire on any tank character that actually has scaling as well. Or can help teammates win fights more efficiently

Reply October 3, 2014

[quote=calebheads]Unless you kill Trynd multiple times in lane phase/have a large cs lead, he will just be able to splitpush and you'll be kinda useless. I would prefer someone that has a larger impact on the game mid/late.[/quote]

What makes Tryndamere a perfect match up for Garen is because Tryndamere doesn't go tank, he goes AS and Damage.

Garen has 1:1 scaling on both his Q and E, an extremely strong ultimate and the damage from sunfire cape makes Tryndamere a useless split pusher for the Might of

Demacia. Garen can 1v1 a mid laner, ADC, and top laner with this build. Trust me, don't think that this is the average Garen that goes ghost blade + infin, these Garens are

extremely useless as the game continues.

A full tank Garen is never useless.

Reply October 3, 2014

[quote=calebheads]Unless you kill Trynd multiple times in lane phase/have a large cs lead, he will just be able to splitpush and you'll be kinda useless. I would prefer someone that has a larger impact on the game mid/late.[/quote]
what this guy said. And stacking armor doesnt make you live much longer especially if trynd builds last whisper. I remember i played a game as j4 with 300+ armor and i died in about two seconds from a yasuo who only used his ult to execute me.. The enemy yasuo also lifestealed all the dmg he took from my thornmail too.

Reply October 3, 2014

Try getting to Silver

Reply October 3, 2014

[quote=Sleepyx714]Garen + 36 armor rune page + Omen + Sunfire + Thornmail + Tabi + GA + Frozen Heart = Tryndamere's worst nightmare.

As soon as I see a Tryndamere picked in rank, I immediately use that Garen build to destroy him. I have never lost to a Tryndamere with this match up and I always carry

games with it. 500+ armor and 4k+ Health makes you an unstoppable force.

Whenever you see Trynd, Garen is your go to guy. [/quote]

Unless you kill Trynd multiple times in lane phase/have a large cs lead, he will just be able to splitpush and you'll be kinda useless. I would prefer someone that has a larger impact on the game mid/late.

Reply October 3, 2014

Just don't suck at the game

Reply October 3, 2014

Garen + 36 armor rune page + Omen + Sunfire + Thornmail + Tabi + GA + Frozen Heart = Tryndamere's worst nightmare.

As soon as I see a Tryndamere picked in rank, I immediately use that Garen build to destroy him. I have never lost to a Tryndamere with this match up and I always carry

games with it. 500+ armor and 4k+ Health makes you an unstoppable force.

Whenever you see Trynd, Garen is your go to guy.

Reply October 3, 2014

ignite him shortly after he ults and if he doesnt heal then he will die to ignite damage

trynd sucks vs multiple things: tanks early game, jax and ranged champs top lane such as quinn

later on in the game if you picked someone that can out carry trynd or splitpush harder than him (fed adc or a mid that can burst him faster than he can ult) then it should be easy win, if the trynd is good he will split push most of the time to pressure towers so try to 5v5. in teamfights focus trynd so he has to burn ult then hes useless cause hes too squishy to re-engage

trynd also can get kited extremely hard so pick something that can kite and slow really well with mobility, most adcs can do this and some mid laners can do this

if you are facing him in lane watch out for a level 6 dive and dont 1v1 him early if he has a full rage bar

i think thats it 2 lazy to post more, hes a melee carry thats extremely easy to kite and squishy after he wastes e so take that to advantage

Reply October 3, 2014

Stomp him 1-6 or group better/ gank him

Reply October 3, 2014

Champions like Tryndamere and Master Yi are pubstomps against a group of unorganised randoms.
Play with friends and/or communicate with your team better.

Reply October 3, 2014