

Keyboard Layouts Please

Alright recently got to a decent level so now i switched to Db since Dbs are life. So to all the db players can i see your keyboard layouts since im kind of stick with mine. I would prefer mostly people who dont put their buffs in macro but i dont care if you do its just a preference. Thanks in advance.

June 7, 2015

8 Comments • Newest first


@Dominion: If you can cvell you only truly need booster. Casting skills is not hard considering you can cast whIle in dark sight. Asura is a click. My key set up has continued to prove incredibly effective, especially on what hand does each task and the distance of covered movement (or lack of) needed to use other skills and buffs. But key set ups are purely optional, and I personally consider them part of one's personality when playing a class. Also I have max speed and jump without haste. And karma is unneeded but I still cast both.

Reply June 10, 2015 - edited

[quote=Klytta]As for Booster/Karma/Haste its a waste of effort and space to not macro those keys.[/quote]

What if you quickly want to use one of them and not have to wait through the entire macro? Or lets say you're respawning in hard magnus/cvellum and need to move in between buffs, it would get cancelled
Left: thumb on alt, middle finger on A (alternates to Q for mobbing) , first finger on X (alternates to D for blade ascension), ring finger occasionally on shift to tornado spin away
Right: "End" makes it possible to move in either direction while potting, reach for blade ascension on [

I put asura on Y because when KMS first got hyper skills asura's description was "keydown" so I was assuming you would have to hold it down. Since I use alt to jump, and Y being in the middle of the keyboard, I could have used either side's alt button to flash jump while holding Y

Reply June 9, 2015 - edited

I use a controller with X padder

Reply June 8, 2015 - edited

@Kastex [url=][/url] If you have decent skills, you must marco them to allow for the key to stay on your keyboard after you switch them out. So the top row is all decent skills with only SE and Si combined onto a single Macro. As for Booster/Karma/Haste its a waste of effort and space to not macro those keys. This set up allows for many functional things to happen as I play. [Left Hand] I have my pointer finger on alt to jump at any time, double jump for fj. My middle finger on Z to use PB. Ring finger on shift to potion when needed. And pinky on Ctrl to use Asura if need be. I use to actually have HP potion on shift and MP potions on ctrl allowing for easy potion key control as I attacked and so on, but power elixirs changed that. My key board has a number pad set up to the right of the primary keys so this allows for me to use my right hand to do other skills that normally aren't needed as often as attacking ones (Buffs). The best part is being able to use other buffs and such [Right hand] as I continue to use PB or quickly moving my fingers slightly up or to the side to change attacks.

Reply June 8, 2015 - edited

back when i was playing touhou oftenly
z attack x jump c loot
phantom blow v
blade fury b
rising ascension N
d for chains of hell f for katara booster g for inner karma h for decent co j for thorns
inset for mw home for mirror image delete for the clone skill

Reply June 8, 2015 - edited


Reply June 8, 2015 - edited

Phantom Blow is on CTRL, I was testing something earlier, that's why it's not on there.

Reply June 8, 2015 - edited

check my pics i have it on there but i macro a few buffs

Reply June 7, 2015 - edited