

Night Lords After Big Bang?

Hey, so I want to make a night lord in big bang, but dexless. Good or bad idea? And any other tips or misc. info?

November 17, 2010

4 Comments • Newest first


[quote=KilometerSlayer]Okay, well I'll start dexless, but should I start converting at about lvl 50? or if not, when then?[/quote]

It varies by player and their situation, but it seems almost everyone converts at about Lvl 100 these days. You just have to figure how much Dex you can afford from gear, and account the costs of the gear you're going for. I know, vague, but as I said, it varies from player to player and their situation. xD

Reply November 17, 2010

Okay, well I'll start dexless, but should I start converting at about lvl 50? or if not, when then?

Reply November 17, 2010

[quote=Bronana]I hear that dexless/ lowdex becomes way cheaper to fund, and there is no reason to go full dex because of the new accuracy formula.
And apparently their damage formula is amazing.

Well, before, Low Dex and Dexless had no issues with Accuracy. It's like Lukless Magicians, since our primary stat, Luk gives plenty of ACC. Us Normal/Full/Reg/whatever you wanna call it Dex'ers just do it for just doin' it. xD

TS, definitely start Dexless and convert down the road (similar to now of course, but the new formula makes it easier to plan conversions). xD

Reply November 17, 2010

You just made my day! Thanks so much!

Reply November 17, 2010