

General Chat

TATOOS. Where and what? I just finished a star trail on my ankle (legit tattoo). I love to tattoo people. It's what im known for round my high school for my freestyle tattoo designs. :3 I got my tattooing machine like a year ago and ive done only three legit tattoos on other ppl(all realistic and symbolic)... AND NO THEY DID NOT SUCK. [b]So my question is if u could get a real tattoo right now and it DIDNT HURT AT ALL what would it be and where would it go? And what is the most UNIQUE tattoo u can think of?[/b] I guess i wanna see of ppl would actually get designy stuff (like tribals) cus thats what i like doin and i dont want keep legit tattooing if ill be stuck doing only realistic stuff. When i say designy... I mean like tribals and sum

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