

Perfect character cards for a mech?

Hey guys ^~^ as the title says, Im lookin for a perfect 3 character cards set for a mech xP

I cant check mine now, but I remember that the sets are: Powerful Charge (% hp to dmg) // The Glorious Return (+ all stats) // Pirate's Way (ignore def)

Thank you a lot for the help in advance

February 20, 2015

3 Comments • Newest first


i dont know how good summon duration is but heres what i use for a dex based bossing class.

pirate -> shade (min and max crit), xenon(all stats), ab(dex, i guess you can replace xenon with mech/corsair)
Warrior -> hayato(min crit dmg), DA(boss), zero(exp, maybe replace with aran or ds)
random deck cuz mage deck sucks -> BT (pdr), Kanna (boss), sair(summon duration) (maybe corsair here)

I definitely think thief/bowman sets arent worth it because you get really crappy cards for a good set.
thief/bowman for example gives speed, avoid, jump and accuracy lol.... when you could be getting crit, all stats, or boss.

me choosing a random deck instead of a mage deck is because 10% of your max mp as dmg is like 1000 dmg lol.

Reply February 24, 2015 - edited

[quote=Harbour]This is what I use (not a mech) but generally applies to everyone.

3 pirate (mech,shade, corsair) for pdr,buff%, min/max crit, summon durration%
3 thief (xenon, nl/phantom/nw/any thief) for min crit
3 warrior (hayato, DA/DS, zero) for min crit, boss/stat resist, exp)[/quote]

I actually really like that combination =O

Personally I've been using

3 warrior (paladin, zero, dark) -w. Dmg per lvl, exp, %hp, %hp to damage
3 resistance (da, ds, mech) -boss, status resist, buff duration, all stat
3 miscellaneous (hayato, beast tamer, kanna) -min crit, pdr, boss

If you look at the details, my set gives 3% more boss while his set gives more min crit damage. My set gives more hp, while his set gives summon duration. I might actually modify my set to something similar to that listed one when we get the free job advancement coin this hot time. Cannoneer character cards suck ><"

I believe jett also gives summon duration and ab gives dex, so those are two cards you can modify into either of our decks to get some better bonuses.

Reply February 21, 2015 - edited

all i can remember rite now is summon duration

Reply February 21, 2015 - edited