

General Battlemage

Does the BaM class feel a bit stale to you? Hey guys just a quick poll; I've recently just went back on Maple for old time's sake after about a one and a half year hiatus, and I couldn't help but feel that compared to many of the other classes BaM's just aren't as versatile as they used to be. I find that our skills are generally not fluid enough and are very limited in range and what they do and are VERY straightforward, so I decided to reach out to the BaM community to see if anyone else feels this way. ps. WILL SOMEBODY PLS FIX BLOOD DRAIN, I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS HAS NOT BEEN DONE.


SighDamm guysreminisce with me I really miss old Maple guys...like pre-KoC Maple. ='/...from Beta to shortly post-release of 4th job...those were the days. When everyone wasn't either hene-hoar or dmg-hoar...but a little bit of both to a more moderate level. Carefree, simple, good clean fun with other Maplers ...when NX gave just the right amount of an upper hand to those who had it and didn't totally dominate the game as it does now. I was just listening to some old MS soundtracks and it brought back memories haha...anyone else feel the same way? For all my GMS veterans share with me words or phrases that manifest what the "good old" days of GMS means to you (= Mushmom ks wars around the clock. Wild boars. Tiger. Ilbies. Autoclic

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